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School Blog Year 4

School Blog

Year 4

The blog for Lime, Larch & Laburnum
Miss Shields, Mrs Herron and Miss Mead

Passion week!

By Miss Mead, in Year 4 - Friday, 24 February 2023

This week was Passion week! Miss Mead shared with the class that she loves baking and cooking. We were able to give it a try and we created lots of yummy desserts! 

The first thing we made was a cheesecake. This was quite tricky and we had to make sure we crumbled the biscuit to help make the base. We then took it in turns to mix the soft cheese and cream and mix it together to make our topping. (Some of us were a bit unsure about using soft cheese, but once we tried it we realised it was delicious!)

On Tuesday, we made rocky road. We used melted chocolate, marshmallows, biscuits and raisins and mixed them up. We loved choosing the ingredients for this.

On Wednesday, we made chocolate cornflake cakes. Miss Kirton melted the chocolate for us and in small groups we created the mixture which we then put into the cases. An oldie but a goodie- this was tasty!

Throughout the week, we also created art work based on desserts and sweet treats. We used some vidoes as inspiration and were able to create cartoon style artwork. 


It has been a great week and we have definitely enjoyed Miss Mead's passion. 

Passion Week

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Friday, 24 February 2023

Passion Week 20th – 24th February 2023

Our value for February is passion.  We discussed the importance of making the time to do the things we love and shared some of the things that we enjoy doing.

This week we have been enjoying learning about some of the things our teachers are passionate about.

Mrs Herron shared her passion for music.

We have had a super fun week composing rhythms, melodies and lyrics. We composed and performed music which included rhythmic and rap sections; a melody that used a pentatonic scale and vocals to go above it.  Our lyrics were about something we were passionate about.  We used Djembe drums and glockenspiels.  To help us to remember what we had composed, we learnt how to notate our rhythms and melodies onto stave paper.

On Thursday, Mrs Herron let us have a whole lesson to do something from our list of passions. Most of us chose mindful colouring or football.  Many of us enjoy being active but we recognise when we need a calmer activity. Even when we were colouring, we couldn’t help singing some of our favourite funny songs and getting up to dance. Laughing is good for the soul!

Miss Ferguson shared her passion for horses.

On Tuesday, Miss Ferguson brought her horse into school for all the children to see.  We got to meet him, talk to him and stroke him. Some of us were a little nervous, but it was amazing to be able to be so close and to have a horse on the school field!

Mrs Gray shared her passion for art.

On Friday we spent the day creating art that is inspired by different popular artists.  We created pieces in the style of Picasso, Banksy and Bridget Riley.  We were also inspired by Michelangelo and lay under our tables to draw above us, as he had done so on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Merry Christmas!

By Year 4, in Year 4 - Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Dear Year 4 and all your families,

Thank you for an amazing term of hard work and fun. These last few weeks have been super busy and we are all looking forward to a rest and some fun with our families. All the staff would like to thank you for your kind words, cards, drawings and generous gifts. Wishing you all a Happy Seasonal Holiday.

From the Year 4 Teachers and Teaching Assistants.

Year 4 - Snow Day Home Learning

By Year 4, in Year 4 - Monday, 12 December 2022

Good Morning, Year 4.

School is closed today due to the snow.  Attached are some activities for you to complete at home.  If you are set up on Google Classroom, then you will also find the activities set on there.

1. Complete a row of bingo challenges

2. Complete a TTRockstar Garage set and Soundcheck

3. Complete one of the English tasks

4. Complete 4 of the maths challenges

As an extra challenge, can you create a fancy dress snowman? Build it; take a picture; share it with us (on Google Classroom or bring it in to school to show us).

Have fun and stay warm!

We Love Learning!

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Thursday, 1 December 2022

Today was Laburnum's class assembly. We had a great time this week deciding on what we wanted to share with everyone and then putting it all together. There was so much learning to choose from! We even managed to include some brand new learning and helped one of our classmates celebrate Romania Day - which happens to be today! Although we were quite nervous, we tried really hard to speak clearly and loudly enough for our audience to hear us, and by the time we performed for our parents and carers we were feeling more confident. Thank you to everyone who came to support us today. We can't wait to share more learning with you in the future.


By Miss Newman, in Year 4 - Thursday, 17 November 2022

In our English lessons this week, we have been looking at Playscripts. Today we worked in groups to rehearse the Tea Party scene from Alice in Wonderland. We looked carefully at the stage directions to help us with how to say each line and which actions our character should do. After each performance, we all commented about how successfully each group brought the drama to life!

Science fun!

By Miss Newman , in Year 4 - Wednesday, 16 November 2022

As part of our topic 'George's marvellous medicine' we have been learning all about solids, liquids and gases. We looked at how the particles were different in each state and even acted out behaving as the particles would! We were investigating cornflour starch, a sponge and some bubbles to see how their particles behaved and whether we thought they were a solid, liquid or a gas. The cornflour starch was very interesting to touch as it felt hard when you applied pressure to it but when you relaxed, it would fall through the gaps in your fingers. We recorded everything we found out in our books and Miss Newman was very impressed with our diagrams.

Remembrance Day

By Miss Mead, in Year 4 - Friday, 11 November 2022

Today was Remembrance Day. 

We had some lovely pieces of homework brought it this week. We had written pieces of research and even some homemade poppies using different materials!

This week, we learnt about why we celebrate and why poppies are a symbol for Remembrance Day. The children looked at a non-fiction text and were able to use retrieval skills to answer questions about the text. 

Amazing Attendance

By Mrs Herron - Laburnum , in Year 4 - Friday, 21 October 2022

Well, Laburnum, you did it! Six certificates in six weeks for amazing attendance in year 4. Well done! We have been working extremely hard this half term to improve our attendance as a whole school, as we link the importance of good attendance with success in our learning. Not only does this show in the certificates we have received, it also shows in the fantastic work we have produced. Every day in Laburnum, we have rewarded ourselves with 5 minutes of choice time if every pupil has been in class, and we have encouraged each other when we've seen our friends feeling a bit down in the dumps. Thank you to all our parents and carers for helping to encourage your child to arrive to school on time every day. It is having a huge positive impact on their school experience. Have a wonderful half term break, Laburnum Class, ready for new challenges next half term!

Roman Wow Day!

By Miss Newman, in Year 4 - Wednesday, 5 October 2022

We have had an amazing Wow Day today, starting off with a trip to Stevenage Museum where we got to dress up like Romans, investigate Roman artefacts and find out lots of more interesting facts about how the Romans lived. When we came back to school we made our own Mosaic art. We had a mixture of sheids, swords and mythical creatures. This took a look of patience and determination and we were really pleased with the end result.