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School Blog Year 5 Graffiti Art

School Blog

Year 5

The blog for Pine, Poplar & Spruce
Miss Pollen, Miss Newman and Mrs Allan

Graffiti Art

By Kim Ferguson, in Year 5 - Wednesday, 8 June 2022

The children in Poplar class have designed and created their own graffiti art. Working in the style of the infamous graffiti artist 'Banksy' they created their own stencils and used sponge painting to give an effect of using spray paint. They used pencils to draw their own brick wall to paint their 'TAG.' For those of you who do not know, a tag is symbol or sign that graffiti artists use as a form of identification. As well as this, the children have also written balanced arguments as to whether graffiti is a good or a bad thing. The majority of children in Poplar class believe graffiti is good and should stay because they feel it is a way of expressing themselves and some pieces can be fantastic works of art. What do you think?