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School Blog Year 6 Platinum Jubilee Party Planning!

School Blog

Year 6

The blog for Willow, Whitebeam & Walnut
Mr Tweeddell, Miss Brooker and Ms Hodgson

Platinum Jubilee Party Planning!

By Year 6, in Year 6 - Tuesday, 24 May 2022

As part of our Celebrations for the Queen's platinum jubilee, we have been applying our maths reasoning and calculation skills. We were tasked with planning an amazing jubilee party for 70 guests. With only a limited budget (£1000), we had to select a venue, order food, decorations and entertainment to make the best possible event. Once we had spent our allocated budget, we had to create a short presentation to advertise our event. The other children then voted for the party they thought was going to be the most enjoyable. We had a great time integrating Maths with our celebration of this momentous occasion.