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School Blog Reception Black History Month 2023

School Blog


The blog for Ash, Beech & Birch
Mrs Kirby, Miss Free and Miss Weston

Black History Month 2023

By Miss Weston, in Reception - Monday, 6 November 2023

As a school we have been busy celebrating Black History Month 2023. We have spent time learning about inspirational black people who have done incredible work. As a school, we understand the importance of acceptance and tolerance. Our school theme 'No Outsiders' highlights the importance of equality and diversity. Therefore, learning about Black History and using October to celebrate it is really important. Here are a few ways that we celebrated this year!
 In Reception, Beech Class chose Mae Jeminson to be our class hero. We learnt all about her work as an astronaut. the class were amazed at her determination and enjoyed learning about her work. 
In Nursery, the children spent time creating self-portraits and they took the opportunity to discuss different skin colours. The portraits are beautiful and it is great to see the children take pride in their work. 
In Year 2, they had their own Notting Hill carnival, they learnt about its history, then tried some foods from the Caribbean listened to calypso music and planned their own festival!
Some classes joined the nationwide Great Big Assembly live stream. The children really enjoyed this and were able to get involved and ask questions. 
Spruce class created a display all about Mary Seacole. Their work is fantastic. Well done!
Year 6 have also been learning about the Wind Rush voyagers and have thought about the challenges they would have faced. Another great example of fantastic work at Fairlands!
Brilliant work Fairlands! Well done :)