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School Blog Year 2 Great Fire of London WOW day!

School Blog

Year 2

The blog for Elm, Elder & Fir
Mrs Toll, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Harnett

Great Fire of London WOW day!

By Year 2, in Year 2 - Wednesday, 13 September 2023

We had such an exciting day full of fun activities. We learnt all about how the fire started and the reasons it spread so far. 

Did you know, the wind was very strong so it blew the fire even further? The houses were also so close together that you could reach out and touch your neighbour so the fire spread from house to house. 

Eventually, the fire was out! It started on a Sunday and was out by Thursday. 2/3 of London was destroyed! 


We spent the morning practising different jobs, why not ask us which jobs we enjoyed the most.