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School Blog Year 6 Independent learning in Year 6

School Blog

Year 6

The blog for Willow, Whitebeam & Walnut
Mr Tweeddell, Miss Brooker and Ms Hodgson

Independent learning in Year 6

By Year 6 team, in Year 6 - Friday, 10 June 2022

We have had a wonderful week of independent learning in Year 6 this week and have developed many skills while doing so. Over half term, we had to decide on a project theme and timetable our own learning for the week whilst making sure we had a balance of subjects – not an easy feat! Throughout the week, we have incorporated writing, maths, geography, history, art and D&T into our project and have had to manage our own resources and request when we need them. Our art has not only included sketching and painting but model making and clay sculpting too and we have loved it! As you can see from the picture, we have had a wealth of activities happening in the classroom all at the same time. The range of activities happening has meant we have had to be respectful of each other and adapt when people need different resources.

The week has not only shown our academic skills but has enabled us to display many of the values we have learned throughout our time at Fairlands, including: independence, respect, kindness (we have had lots of sharing and advice going on), resilience, responsibility, passion, quality, confidence and freedom. Everyone has had a very busy but productive week!