Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 6

School Blog

Year 6

The blog for Willow, Whitebeam & Walnut
Mr Tweeddell, Miss Brooker and Ms Hodgson

Safer Internet Day!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Yesterday was Safer Internet Day so we took part in a range of activities centred around this. We started off our day with an assembly where we discussed the importance of staying safe whilst being online. We then worked through a story book that contained multiple tasks for us to complete. In the afternoon, we spent some time on the laptops playing the games from Internet Legends. Some fantastic discussions were had and we all know how to stay safe online! 

Riotous Rowing!

By Year 6, in Year 6 - Monday, 6 February 2023

Today, Year 6 had an amazing sporting opportunity. We were fortunate enough to take part in a rowing workshop. There were two incredibly fun activities for us to try: one involved using precise timing and technique to catch fish and avoid being eaten by sharks; the other was a full on speed rowing blitz. The children all gave 100% and really enjoyed working up a sweat at the oars.

Give, Help, Share workshop 3!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 27 January 2023

Yesterday, Year 6 had their third workshop run by the charity Give, Help, Share. They tried a wide variety of healthy snacks such as: yo-yo bears, flavoured corn, hummus chips and chickpea puffs. It was interesting to try something new and lots of the children found that they loved them (the corn in particular!). The children then took a closer look at the ingredients to ensure that they were indeed healthy snacks. They have been tasked with checking the ingredients of their snacks at home ready to report back next week!

Dissecting pigs hearts!

By Year 6, in Year 6 - Monday, 23 January 2023

Today, we did something extremely exciting - we were lucky enough to be able to participate in the dissection of real pigs' hearts! We used our scientifix observational skills to examine the hearts before dissecting them. The adults were blown away by the levels of engagement, courage and technical discussion happening in each group. This was a fantastic experience for the us to take part in and one which has certainly brought our topic and core text to life!

Give, Help, Share workshop 2!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 20 January 2023

Today, Year 6 had their second workshop run by the charity Give, Help, Share. This week, the children discussed different breakfasts and their nutritional value. We emphasised how important it is for us to eat breakfast as this will fuel our bodies for the morning. During this session, we made our own breakfast bars using bananas, unsweetened apple sauce and oats. We have taken these home to bake and we cannot wait to try them! 

Human heart sketches!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Tuesday, 17 January 2023

This half term, we have kicked off our new topic, 'Heartbeat', with some fantastic sketches of the human heart! We followed a step by step guide that demonstrated how to draw an anatomically accurate heart. Once we had our outlines, we were free to add in the detail and shading that we wanted. We loved seeing how different everyone's heart drawings turned out - we even stood to show each other and told our peers what we liked about theirs! 

Give, Help, Share workshop 1!

By Willow Class, in Year 6 - Thursday, 12 January 2023

Today, Year 6 had their first workshop run by a charity called Give, Help, Share. Their aim is to give children nutritious food, help families in crisis and share health education with children. Over the next few weeks, the children will take part in a range of activities that will further their knowledge and understanding of health education. Today, the children were looking at swapping snacks with lots of sugar for snacks with less sugar. We tried some Snackzilla cookies which only have one teaspoon of sugar in them - here are the thoughts of the children in Willow Class: 

"I really liked the golden syrup flavour."

"I can't believe they have less sugar in!" 

"They taste nicer than chocolate buttons which have more sugar!"

Wonderful Willow and talent show winners!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Willow Class have had a brilliant - and busy - first term in Year 6; we cannot believe the end of term is here so soon! We have done so much this year already and have truly enjoyed the topics that we have been learning about. We have focused on a range of both skills and values that will help us both in Year 6 and in later life such as independence, resilience, responsibility and communication. We have worked incredibly hard and we are so proud of what we have achieved this year!

To top off a great year, here is a photo of us in our Christmas jumpers today and our fantastic winners for the Year 5 and Year 6 talent show! The group have been working tirelessly on their routine for weeks and their efforts paid off. They are over the moon at their win and also wanted to congratulate the other participants for the fantastic job that they did.

Miss Hodgson and Mrs Whitehair are extremely proud of the progress made so far this year, the wonderful children in Willow Class and are excited for the spring term. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day!

By Year 6, in Year 6 - Tuesday, 20 December 2022

We have had an incredible day full of festive cheer! We all came into school and spent some time admiring each others' Christmas jumpers. We then had a blast playing a festive Maths game which built up our appetite. Lunch time saw us all sat in the hall together enjoying our Christmas dinner with the adults whilst christmas songs played in the background. We rounded off our day watching children perform for the talent show - we are also excited to say that the winners were from Year 6! We had a brilliant day and we are excited to continue the festivities tomorrow before we break up! 

Top Tip 10: Set up your own reward system

By Miss Hodgson, Miss Brooker and Mr Tweeddell , in Year 6 - Monday, 19 December 2022

Good morning wonderful Year 6 and happy Monday! 

We are coming to you this morning with our tenth top tip to support our focus: Every Day Counts! We have reward systems set up at school for attendance however it could be a nice idea to set one for yourself at home. An example could be that for every day you are in school and on time, you can reward yourself 10 minutes extra of something that you enjoy. Make sure that you check this with your adult first!

Why not let your teacher know what your reward will be? 

This is our last top tip as we are now at the end of the term. We hope you have found these useful!