Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 4

School Blog

Year 4

The blog for Lime, Larch & Laburnum
Mr Fisher, Mrs Herron and Miss Mead

Roman Inspired Art

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Thursday, 19 October 2023

We ended the first half of our Invaders and Settlers topic with two half days of WOW artwork. The first activity was inspired by the Roman army and the patterns and designs they had on their shields and the second was inspired by the mosaic artwork they used to decorate their homes. We used a variety of media and techniques across both afternoons and had a great time designing, making and being creative. We're changing our topic after half term, but Invaders and Settlers Part 2 will be in the Spring term and we can't wait to learn more about the Romans and the Vikings!

Year 4 Home Learning

By Miss Shields, in Year 4 - Friday, 22 September 2023

We have re-attached the homework now so it is easier to see. Sorry about that!

Growing Our Mindsets!

By Miss Shields, in Year 4 - Friday, 22 September 2023

We have had a wonderful week talking all about how to develop a growth mindset and the importance of being kind!


On Tuesday, we all joined a video workshop about kindness where we talked about what it means to be kind, made kind notes for others and reflected on how we can try and bring more kindness into the world. Our reflections and drawings were made into a lovely display to remind us about kindness everyday.


We have also being focusing on having a growth mindset recently and have turned our drawings and activities into a display. We are learning that having a growth mindset is so important for our learning and it helps us to challenge ourselves and be more resilient! We have particularly looked at the ways we can ask for help and take responsibility for our own learning!

Spellings 15/9

By Miss Mead, in Year 4 - Friday, 15 September 2023

Happy Friday Year 4! 

Your spellings this week are:


Group 1-












Group 2-












The homework challenge will be displayed on the window of each classroom. 

Welcome Back!

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Friday, 8 September 2023

Welcome back, Year 4! What a hot start to the new school year it has been. We have spent this week getting to know each other in our new classes and adjusting to new routines. The continued warm weather has meant that we have been able to enjoy break times on the field and we have relaxed with some calming mindfulness activities in between learning tasks.

Our first topic is 'Invaders and Settlers ' and we will be exploring and comparing how and why the Romans and the Vikings both chose to invade Britain.

Between the 8th and 17th September, many Heritage sites are having open days, where you can visit free of any charge. Welwyn Roman Baths and the Verulamium Museum in St Albans, are two such places. For further information visit


Sharing Our Stories

By Miss Newman, in Year 4 - Thursday, 20 July 2023

Year 4 have been working really hard on their Healthy Me topic and learning all about nutrition and now to have a healthy diet. In English we have read 'Goldilocks eat your greens' and decided to write our own stories following the same theme. We worked really hard to design our own characters for our stories and made sure they also learned a lesson about being healthy. We then published our books and made illustrations to go along with our stories. Lime class decided share their books with the reception children. We were able to inspire them and we got lots of lovely compliments about our original stories. 

Cultural Food Day

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Friday, 14 July 2023

This week we ended our Healthy Me topic with a Cultural Food Day. During our topic we discovered that we all enjoyed some very different foods, some of which others of us had never heard of, or had the chance to try. We invited our adults to come into school and bring a traditional dish for us to learn about and taste. All of the children in year 4 had the chance to learn about and taste foods from Germany, Romania, Bangladesh, Nigeria, U.K., Sri Lanka and food that is eaten during the Jewish festival of Passover. Thank you so much to all the adults who joined us for this event. Our tastebuds were buzzing with the variety of foods to explore and we can't stop talking about it! 

Lacrosse Festival!

By Miss Newman, in Year 4 - Wednesday, 7 June 2023

We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to take some Year 4 children to a Lacrosse Festival today! There were 4 stations in total with each one being run by a member of Hitchin Lacrosse club. We were able to develop our skills and knowledge of the sport and finished off with a friendly game at the end. Out of all the schools, Fairlands won the festival by showing excellent teamwork:

-treating everyone equally, supporting each other and working together to have fun and achieve 

-celebrating each otters successes

-being a good friend and a positive team player in school, support and life

This is a great achievement and we were very proud of all the children who took part for representing Fairlands school so well. We were awarded with a certificate from Stevenage sporting futures and a teamwork teddy bear. 


By Miss Newman, in Year 4 - Sunday, 28 May 2023

What an exciting time we have had at Wildchild! We have done amazingly well in all activities. From abseiling, archery, mini beast hunting and shelter building, we have made sure we all tried our very best. We certainly built on our team building, independence and resilience while being away and the teachers are all very proud of us. Well done Year 4 for demonstating super behaviour and showing everyone at Wildchild how wonderful we all are at Fairlands.

Outdoor Adventurous Activities

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Thursday, 25 May 2023

Those of us at school today spent most of the day outside. We practised teamwork skills and enjoyed a day of outdoor adventure. During the morning we learnt about map skills and orienteering before heading out around the upper site, armed with a map, to find markers at set locations. We used the skills of map orientation and thumbing to work out where we were and where we had to get to.  During the afternoon we created obstacle courses to challenge agility, coordination and balance, and we worked together to create scavenger hunts for another group to complete.