For Your Information
The summer holidays will finally be here at 215pm on Tuesday 23rd July and hopefully the sun will make an extended appearance too!
There are lots of things available to families throughout the summer and we have displayed this information on the noticeboards in the alleyway between the main gates to both sites. We have listed activities to do, cheap or free places for children to eat and information about courses happening for families supporting children with additional needs. Don't forget to take a photo when you are collecting your child at the end of the day!
We are aware that the holidays are not always easy as normal routine and everyday life is suddenly changed (and that's for children too, not just us adults!). If you are finding it challenging, then please visit our website page which lists the support agencies available: Signposts to support home adults
We hope you all have an enjoyable break and can't wait to see you back on Wednesday 4th September for another exciting year ahead!
Community Childcare

Quality Childcare

Need someone to look after the children whilst you are at work? Fairlands offers full childcare during term time for children aged 2 to 11yrs old, so parents and carers can return to work safe in the knowledge that their child is being cared for in a high quality environment.

Visit to find out if you are eligible for help with the cost of childcare.


Fairlands Pre-School

Fairlands offers a high-quality preschool setting for children aged 2 - 3 yrs old. The preschool is located in the Lower Building of the main Primary School, in permanent facilities.

There are strong links between Fairlands Pre-school and the main school itself. This means we are able to ensure there is excellent transition for children as they prepare to enter our Nursery and Reception classes later on.

Fairlands Pre-school is managed by Nicky Mutch and Tricia Scotcher. For more information, or to put your child's name on the waiting list, please contact them directly on 07870141270.

Alternatively, feel free to contact the school for more information: 01438 351053.

Fairlands Nursery & Nursery Lunch Club

Our Nursery provision runs from 8.30am until 11.30am for the morning session, and from 12.30pm until 3.30pm for the afternoon session, or 8.30am - 3.30pm for children eligible for 30 hours free childcare.

The Nursery Lunch Club runs from 11.20am until 12.30am every day and is open to all Conkers children, whether they go to the morning or afternoon session.  Please book your place in advance, informing us of you meal choice if your child attends afternoon nursery.

The cost for Nursery Lunch Club is £5.55 per session or £3.00 per session if your child bring's their own packed lunch. 

For more details about admissions to our Nursery, contact the school office.

Fairlands Breakfast Club

Ideal for parents who need to get to work early, our popular Breakfast Club has been established since 2004. The Club is held in the main Dining Hall and runs every day from 7.45am until 8.45am when then the children go to their classes in the upper building or are walked down for registration in the lower building.  Places must be booked in advance using Arbor. 

Children receive a healthy breakfast and can use the time to take part in activities, make new friends, read books and catch up on homework.

Children from Nursery - Year 6 are welcome.

The cost for Fairlands Breakfast Club is £4.00 per session, siblings £3.50 per session.  £3.00 if you are eligible for Free School Meals.  (To see if you are eligle for Free School Meals visit or phone 0300 1234048).

For more details, contact the Breakfast Club Manager, Ms Wendy Glenister through the school office.

Fairlands After School Club

Two After School Clubs are available for children from Nursery to Year 6:

- Lower Site After School Club: Nursery - Year 1

- Upper Site After School Club: Year 2 - Year 6

The After School Club offers a wide range of activities including baking, arts and crafts, games and construction and an outside area. Childcare is available Monday to Friday between 3.15pm and 6.15pm and prices can be found here

Booking can now be made on the Arbor app.