Reaching high for the best for your child

Happy reading time everyone!

Friday, 20 December 2024

This term, a group of Fairlands staff have started up a book club and we are loving it - reading is not just for childhood! Today, some of us swapped our Secret Santa gifts and we couldn’t wait for the holidays to start so we could get reading. There’ll be many messages shared about great books over the break, much swapping in the New Year and it will continue to put smiles on our faces.

The whole of the Fairlands team would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful festive period and we hope you enjoy the break. We look forward to seeing you all when we return in January.

Happy reading time to one and all!

Read our blogs!

Imaginative Sticks

We have been focusing on the story Stanley's Stick. We have loved all of the different things that Stanley imagined his stick to be. Today we found our own stick and thought about all of the other imaginative things it could be. We came up with some super ideas such as a toothbrush, a bubble wand, a lolly pop and many more. We all had a wonderful time acting out these different things. Afterwards we wrote a label about what our stick was, so everyone would know.

Supporting your own emotional wellbeing as a parent or carer

Carers in Hertfordshire is a charity that provides information, advice and support to unpaid carers. This includes if you are a parent for a child with a physical or learning disability.


In Maths, we looked at properties of shape.

We learnt that polygons are shapes with straight, closed sides and began to explore different types of polygons. We started by grouping the shapes together based on shared properties. We then turned them all upside down and had to choose a pair of cards. The aim was to see if we could identify a shared property to win the cards- the person with the most cards wins!

Food Education Workshop

Today Year 5 had their first Food Education Workshop with Rachelle from the Give Help Share charity. The children learned all about which foods are good for their growth and which foods are okay to eat as a treat. They then made their own healthy fruit rice cakes and enjoyed eating them for their morning snack.

Investigation Time!

What a fantastic start we have had to 2025 in Willow Class with an investigation about blood vessels! Our new topic is Heartbeat where we learn all about the circulatory system. We delved deeper into how this works and we explored the connection between blood vessels and blood flow. We found that if blood vessels are clogged with fatty deposits, they are narrower and the blood will not flow through as quickly which can lead to health problems. We are looking forward to learning much more!


We have learnt about how statistics tell us information. We learnt how to record and read tally charts. We discussed information about our favourite fruits. We know that when you tally a number more than 4 then you need to 'close the gate' for number 5. Today we learnt how to use a pictogram and understood that the pictures tell us information. We answered questions and recorded our own facts about how many ice lollies were sold.

Stanley's Stick

In English this week we have enjoyed exploring a new book, 'Stanley's Stick' by John Hegley. In the book, Stanley is a very curious character who loves to use his imagination. He imagines that his stick might be a dinosaur, a fishing rod, a broomstick or even a saxophone!

Online Safety Message

We wanted to share this information with you to help keep your child safe online and ensure that they understand the risks of phones as well as the benefits.