At Fairlands, we believe in achievement for all and we pride ourselves on our strong inclusive ethos. Some of our pupils are identified as having SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) which can mean that they require additional support to access learning and make progress. The DfE SEND code of practice (2014, updated 2020) categorises the areas of need into 4 broad areas and more details of these can be found in our SEND policy.
We regularly update our website and post on our SEND blog with news and resources to support. Please speak to anyone in the school office if you are unable to access these or notice any errors with links so we can rectify it as quickly as possible.
If you have any concerns about your child or feel they may be on an SEN pathway, please speak to their class teacher who will be happy to listen and help. They will share your concerns with the SENDCo (Mrs Julie Jeffries) and advise you on next steps.
We know that you are the most knowledgeable person when it comes to your child so it is essential that parents/carers play an active role in their child’s education. Working in partnership is key to enabling your child to achieve their potential, become a confident individual living a fulfilling life and make a successful transition into their next stage of education.
Our SEN Information report and SEND policy detail answers to many questions you may have and provide information regarding our approach to SEN identification and provision at Fairlands.
How we support SEND pupils at Fairlands
How we support families of SEND children at Fairlands