As you know, you can find a fantastic amount of information on the web - some helpful and some not so helpful! Here is a list of websites we feel you may find useful to explore. If you are having internet issues or need help accessing any of them, please ask the school office for help.
Support for Autism and ADHD a registered Hertfordshire charity to support ADHD and families with autistic children. a registered Hertfordshire charity to support families of autistic children and/or ADHD or those awaiting diagnosis. The website for the National Autistic Society with a super section on ‘What is Autism.’ A non-profit charity which is supported by the DfE. Another excellent support for Hertfordshire families of Autistic,ADHD and other neurodiverse children. You do not need to have a diagnosis to access their help and they also provide a super lending library for resources. This is great for when you have been recommended something or seen it at a friend’s house and want your child to try it out before you buy!
Neurodiversity support hub: Anyone who has a question about a child or young person's neurodiversity (0-25) can get in touch. 01727 833963 The helpline is available 9am-1pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9am-3pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is also available 7pm-9pm on Wednesdays by appointment only.
Supporting learning difficulties This website is for the British dyslexia association. Even though we don’t diagnose dyslexia in primary school, we are needs and not diagnosis led at Fairlands and this website can help you with useful tips to support your child if you feel they are on this pathway. A support agency for those with a learning disability.
Support for Speech and Language A great leaflet created by the Hertfordshire Speech and Language therapy service.
Hertfordshire Children & Young People’s Therapy service (Occupational health, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy) A guide from Herts Community NHS trust explaining their offer for children (for Speech and language, physiotherapy and occupational therapy)
Family Centre service To support children up to the age of 11. They not only support health issues, they also support accessing childcare, help with domestic abuse, support with your child’s learning, development & behaviour needs, feelings of isolation, antenatal support, breastfeeding, volunteering opportunities and adult learning. It is free and easy to sign up to this service and is essential to unlock support.
A great video sharing information about the school nursing service
Support for bereavement An information and advice service to help children understand and manage their grief.
Support with sleep
National Sleep helpline run by The Sleep Charity. 03303 530 541 Sun, Mon and Tues 7pm-9pm and Weds 9am-11am.
Support with healthy eating and exercise A completely free service providing advice and workshops - great for fussy eaters!
Support for families Run by Herts County Council, this is a great place to go for early help and support with a quick video on the home page explaining the services offered. This is an independent parent and carer led organisation which helps to improve services for SEND families by enabling parent voice to be heard. This is the website for the free impartial information service for families with SEND. They offer advice by phone or face to face and is the place to go to for free, confidential, impartial information. This organisation offers free courses for Hertfordshire parents of children aged 2-11. They run a range of courses from managing anger at home to sleep solutions. Another brilliant support agency for families. They offer free advice through online chat, forums, email or via their freephone number 0808 800 2222. Their website is full of useful information. An organisation to promote strong family relationships. They offer free courses and advice for Hertfordshire families. Courses include those specifically for Dads, for dealing with teens, dealing with tantrums, additional needs and more.
Supporting mental health This mental health charity for children and their families has a great section which gives advice and guidance to support children who may be struggling with poor mental health. The Parents and carers resources section has a great amount of information including helping your toddler to grow. They offer therapeutic approaches to mental health support. They also provide parent workshops, moderated Facebook groups, 1:1 support and advice sessions and have a parent support line manned Wednesdays and Thursdays 9am-12pm 07932 651319 A site ‘fighting for young people’s mental health’ with a great A-Z mental health guide for parents.
The links we have provided to external websites are for convenience and informational purposes. Any comments or enquiries regarding these websites or their content should be directed to the owners of those websites. We accept no responsibility for any damage caused to you, your property, software or data, as a result of using the websites.
Although we make every effort to ensure these external links are accurate, up to date and relevant, we are not responsible for any of the content of external websites, or the accuracy of such content.
If you come across any external links which do not work, please feel free to let the school office know and we will update or remove the link accordingly.