Herts Local Offer
The SEN Code of practice section 4.1 states that, "Local authorities must publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. In setting out what they ‘expect to be available’, local authorities should include provision which they believe will actually be available."
The website will help you to find which services are available locally.
Hertfordshire County Council have published their 3 year SEND strategy, detailing how they will be supporting children and young people with SEND in Hertfordshire to have better lives.
They have also produced an easy to read version:
The strategy was introduced in a webinar hosted by Herts Parent Carer Involvement and can be viewed in full here:
Stevenage DSPL offer
In Hertfordshire, we have area groups where parents, carers, external agencies and education professionals work together to ensure there is a range of provision and support services available in each local community. We are part of Stevenage DSPL2.
This website will tell you about a range of excellent courses along with links to support agencies.