Reaching high for the best for your child

Friends of Fairlands

The Friends of Fairlands are a group of parents and staff that get together and organise events to raise money for our school. Everyone is welcome!

The Friends of Fairlands are present at every Parent Consultation, selling teas and coffees while you're waiting and looking at your children's workbooks. We also sell refreshments at school plays and Sports Day. If you have any questions you'd like answering then please feel free to ask one of us at these events. We'd really like your input and it's easy over a cup of tea!

We are always on the lookout for more parents to get involved. This might be through being part of the committee; helping out for occasional events or even just coming up with great ideas and suggestions for future events. Please contact the school office if you would like to become involved!

All of the money raised goes towards equipment and resources to improve the learning environment for the children. Fairlands is your school and your children deserve the best, so any help raising funds to improve and enrich the school and your child's time with us is greatly appreciated!