Reaching high for the best for your child

Welcome to our new website!

By Robert Staples, Headteacher - Monday, 17 June 2013


Welcome to our updated and improved website!

As well as a brighter, fresher 'feel', you will find some new features like the straw poll surveys on the right of the home page. Let us know your views!

We also have amazing new class blogs that will be updated regularly, so you can keep in touch with what is going on in your child's class. Check them out now! Don't forget, you can use a service like to send you an email you every time a new blog entry is posted.

Hopefully, you will come back and visit us regularly in the future to find out what is happening at the school.

Our School has more information About Our Website.

A massive thank you goes to Andy Jeffries, one of our parents, and his company NextGen Development Ltd who continue to support the school by providing hours and hours of time developing the website.

Have fun exploring! If you have any initial feedback or ideas to make the site better, please feel free to drop me an email.