Reaching high for the best for your child

Welcome To The New Website!

By Robert Staples, Headteacher - Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Welcome to our fantastic new website! We have been planning carefully to make it as informative and as user-friendly as possible, with a strong emphasis on regular news updates and information about upcoming events. Hopefully, you will come back and visit us regularly in the future to find out what is happening at the school and in Stevenage.

Please take the time to have a good look around. Some areas are yet to be developed and will appear over the coming months, including sections for Parents, School Council, Friends of Fairlands, and so on.

Our School has more information About Our Website.

A massive thank you goes to Andy Jeffries, one of our parents, and his company NextGen Development, who have spent a huge amount of time developing the website for us.

Have fun exploring! If you have any initial feedback or ideas to make the site better, please feel free to drop me an email.

Please note: Most of our downloads require either Adobe Reader (for pdf files) or Adobe Flash Player (for swf files). Click on these links to install these to your computer.