Reaching high for the best for your child

We are Fairlands...

Friday, 20 March 2020

I will always remember Faridah Kelani performing this poem at the Year 6 Leavers' Assembly last year. She was so inspirational, reading each word with passion, punching the air with power and conviction and reminding us all of what a wonderful community we have here at Fairlands. 

As school closes today, under such difficult and worrying circumstances, I can't think of better words than those of her poem to sum up my feelings. I am immensely proud of how sensibly and supportively we have all worked together over the last couple of weeks... it really feels as if the community of Fairlands is stronger than ever in the face of this adversity. 

We are all sad that we are having to close our doors today, but we know that it is only for a little while... and we will all be back together soon, stronger and even more united in our knowledge that WE ARE FAIRLANDS!