Reaching high for the best for your child

Children's Mental Health Week Activities - Day Four

Friday, 5 February 2021

I can't believe we have had 4 days of this fantastic week already! This week is certainly reminding me how important it is to have a balance in your life and the difference that this has on how you feel. We all know that there are times when we would love to just play on our consoles all day or watch tv but if we did that every day it would not only be physically unhealthy, it would also be bad for our mental health. We hope that you are beginning to understand the importance of a balance and that it is starting to make you feel more positive. My activities for Thursday were:

Physical – I took part in a Joe Wicks session. I know this is popular with many of you and I just want to say well done if you do this as it is not easy!

Give Back – I went to the supermarket to do some shopping for my elderly neighbour so she can stay safe at home. This is something lots of us are doing at the moment and I hope this community spirit remains after lockdown as it definitely makes people feel happier.

Self-Care – In Whitebeam, we have been chatting together about the importance of talking to friends and how it makes us feel good. It doesn’t always have to be about feelings or problems, it can just be a general chat about anything. I had a zoom call with some of my friends and I was laughing so loud I woke up my dog who was asleep next to me!

Enjoy the final day of Children’s Mental Health Week and I hope your activities put a huge grin on your face.