By The Literacy Team, in English - Tuesday, 23 May 2023

This term, the whole school focus is 'Handwriting Heroes'
Why is handwriting a focus at Fairlands?
Over the last two terms, the Literacy team have been working hard to implement the Little Wandle phonics programme. We are proud of the fantastic progress that the children have made. Next, we would like to think about how we can improve the fluency and consistency of handwriting, across the school.
What is happening at Fairlands to support handwriting?
All members of staff have set goals and targets on how they strive to improve handwriting outcomes. Some examples include:
- Reception and Year Five will be teaming up to share a piece of writing
- Children will be asked to write to governors to request a new school resource
- Staff will be identifying the 4 P's (posture, pencil grip, paper position and pressure) and implementing strategies to support the development of writing
- School will be investing in pens, pencils and writing aides to ensure children can select an effective writing tool
- School council will be recording videos to share the letter formation rhymes with the children and parents
How can parents and carers support their child to become a confident, fluent writer?
- Continue to promote high expectations when your child is practising writing at home or writing for a purpose (e.g. writing a birthday card or writing to a family member)
- School will be sharing handwriting videos with you, these will be accessed via the school website
- The Literacy Team will be sharing the amended handwriting policy with you, in Summer 2