For Your Information
The summer holidays will finally be here at 215pm on Tuesday 23rd July and hopefully the sun will make an extended appearance too!
There are lots of things available to families throughout the summer and we have displayed this information on the noticeboards in the alleyway between the main gates to both sites. We have listed activities to do, cheap or free places for children to eat and information about courses happening for families supporting children with additional needs. Don't forget to take a photo when you are collecting your child at the end of the day!
We are aware that the holidays are not always easy as normal routine and everyday life is suddenly changed (and that's for children too, not just us adults!). If you are finding it challenging, then please visit our website page which lists the support agencies available: Signposts to support home adults
We hope you all have an enjoyable break and can't wait to see you back on Wednesday 4th September for another exciting year ahead!
School Blog Governors

School Blog


Information from the Governing Body
Governing Body

Governors meet regularly to discuss, shape and approve school policy, monitor performance and consider issues of a wider basis than the day-to-day running of the school.

Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion

By Claire Peacock, Chair of Governors, in Governors - Friday, 20 January 2023

On Wednesday 18th January the governing body met via zoom for this month's scrutiny meeting which focused on Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion.

Mr Staples spoke to us about the "Great Representation Project" which the school is participating in with thirty primary and secondary schools in Hertfordshire, focusing on eliminating systemic race inequity.

Following training sessions and school visits, Fairlands have identified three key themes to focus on:

  • Reviewing the curriculum and barriers to learning
  • Strengthening leadership of equalities, diversity and inclusion within the school
  • Recruitment and retention of staff with protected characteristics

At the end of the project Fairlands will be publishing a reflective journal in an eBook!

Miss Brooker (Y6) and Mrs Herron (Y4), the appointed leads for Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion, joined the meeting and shared the journey Fairlands are on, to make long lasting improvements to inequalities.

All staff participated in "No Outsiders" on the January INSET day which is being embedded through weekly assemblies in classes to prompt conversations around the Equality Act, focusing on the nine protective characterises encouraging the children to understand the differences they will experience in the world.

If you want to learn more, the school are running a "No Outsider' Information evening - you can find more information in the letter which was sent to all parents and carers, and available in the downloads section..

If you would like more information on becoming a school governor, please get in touch:

End of 2022 Governor Blog

By Claire Peacock, Chair of Governors, in Governors - Tuesday, 20 December 2022

The last few months have absolutely flown by!

How is it almost time for the Christmas Break? Like most parents and carers, I’m not sure I’m ready but I am certainly ready for the elf to return to the North Pole on Christmas Day!

December is always such a fun time of year at school, from carol services, nativity plays, talent shows to the whole school visit to the Pantomime. I had the pleasure of helping reception this year and thoroughly enjoyed the Pantomime (I think I did six toilet trips in the end lol), especially Mr Holgate being the victim of the Ugly Sisters…I’m voting for Mr Staples to sit in the front row next year!

As we look forward into January we return back to school on Monday 9th January, which does seem like an awfully long time but I am looking forward to a break from work and spending time with the children.

We have a packed agenda for our first meeting back on the 18th Jan 2023 looking at:

  • Workload
  • Wellbeing – pupils and staff
  • Equalities

If you would like more information on becoming a school governor, please get in touch

Warm wishes,

Claire Peacock, Chair of Governors

October 2022 Scrutiny Meeting

By Claire Peacock, Chair of Governors, in Governors - Thursday, 20 October 2022

Last night we held our first scrutiny meeting of the year on zoom, with all governors and staff accessing the meeting from home, supporting work life balance.

We welcomed Mrs Sembi and Mrs Jeffries who talked to us about:

  • Early Years – starting points and end of year predictions
  • Special Educational Needs (SEND)
  • Phonics and Reading in the Early Years 

All three topics were well prepared and highly informative, providing the governors with a view of how the school is supporting these pupils. Governors would like to thank Mrs Sembi and Mrs Jeffries for presenting especially given it was parents evening. 

Finally, we have two vacancies on our governing board and would love to have people on the board that represent the school community. If you would like more information, please get in touch

Welcome Back!

By Claire Peacock, in Governors - Wednesday, 21 September 2022

On Wednesday 14th September we held our first face to face school governor meeting since March 2020. Although using zoom has been a great way of hosting the meetings virtually getting us all back together in a room was fantastic! We'll be using a mixture of face to face and online meetings throughout the year to ensure a work life balance for all attendees.

One of our agenda items was to come up with our Development Objectives for the year which was a very collaborative session where we all used post-it notes to write down our ideas which we've now formalised into our plan.

We also agreed our governor link roles for the year. These are important roles linked to key areas of the school like Safeguarding, Health & Safety and Finance. We are also planning on spending lots of time this year looking at staff workloads and staff and pupil wellbeing.

We welcomed a new governor Oli Burt who joined our team and has a keen eye on data which is a welcomed skill.

Claire Peacock

Chair of Governors