Good morning everyone and happy Friday!
Here is our first rock blog of the year - this will be posted each week and it will reveal the top 3 maths rockers of the week in each class from Years 2 - 6. Keep an eye out and see if you can make it onto the charts!
Maths team
Last Friday, throughout our TT Rockstars Day, we were in competiton with Camps Hill, battling it out with our times tables facts. All classes in years 2 - 6 had some time to spend on TT Rockstars to gain points for as many correct answers as possible. The children were incredibly excited and they kept a very close eye on the leaderboard! We are thrilled to reveal that Fairlands Primary School was victorious in this battle with our average score being 175 compared to Camps Hill whose average score was 143.
Congratulations Fairlands!
Wednesday was our deadline for handing in our times tables projects and Miss Hodgson was completely blown away with the amount that she received! It took a while to sort through and it was incredibly difficult to pick a winner for each year group but these are the projects that were victorious! They were picked for their creativity, individuality and hard work. Our victors are going home with a certificate and a very cool pair of rockstar sunglasses - how lucky! Our winners from Years 2, 3 and 4 unfortunately were not here today so they will receive their prizes on Monday.
Good morning all!
Attached is the competition flyer for the timestables rockstars project that we have given to all children from years 2 - 6. We will be having a TT Rockstars Day at school on Friday 27th January and in readiness for this, we would love for the children to make a project linked to learning times tables. As the flyer says, a winner from each year group will be picked and they will win a prize as well as having their work posted on the blog.
We cannot wait to see what children produce!
The Maths Team