Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.
Today was Safer Internet Day and we joined schools all over the country to champion youth voice and engage in conversations about how we can all work together to make the internet a great and safe place.
Mr Staples kicked it off on Monday with a whole school assembly which was then followed today by a variety of learning activities across the school to support their Digital Literacy skills, including learning about AI and how to continue to be Safe Digital Citizens. Read our year blogs!
Ask your child about what they did in class and share their learning. This is a great opportunity to focus on online safety with your child, whatever their age. We have created a list of resources, including the link to the Cbeebies Live lesson that was shared in classes today. These will help you to talk about these issues and ideas with your child, no matter how much time you have and, in an age,-appropriate way.
Be Internet Legends - A Program to Teach Children Internet Safety ( This includes the game Interland which teaches the children how to make the right choices through playing a game.