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School Blog Online Safety Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 6th February

School Blog

Online Safety

By the Online Safety Team

Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 6th February

By Mrs Marlow, in Online Safety - Tuesday, 6 February 2024

As part of Safer Internet Day, the children in year 3  become digital detectives, exploring the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence and learning how to stay safe online.

We started by watching Safer Internet Day 2024 Live Lesson, focusing on the fascinating world 
of AI Technology and how to stay safe online.
The lesson kicked off by introducing AI, explaining what it is, and where we might already be using it in our day to day lives. It also addessed some commonly thought myths about AI and children tested their knowledge by sorting the AI facts from the AI fiction.  

We investigated a type of AI called machine learning – to see how AI works. This is a specific type of Artificial Intelligence where an AI system learns to carry out a task by using large amounts of training data. 

We also  explored the risks of AI technology online, including deepfake photos and fake news. Finally we summarised everything we had learnt in the lesson before creating a poster  with our top tip for staying safe online in an AI world.  

Ask your child for their top tip!