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School Blog Year 4

School Blog

Year 4

The blog for Lime, Larch & Laburnum
Miss Shields, Mrs Herron and Miss Mead

Romans Rule!

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Wednesday, 5 October 2022

This half term we have been finding out how the Romans tried to rule the world. They trained thousands of boys and men to be in armies that marched all across Europe, invading, settling and enforcing their beliefs. The children in Laburnum have also been very busy at home, creating shields, helmets, fact sheets and even a replica of the Colosseum! We have found out lots of interesting information. Did you know that the Romans invented central heating and built many roads? They also liked to visit bath houses together and had some very strange implements to clean themselves with! Today we also had the opportunity to visit Stevenage Museum and investigate Roman artefacts, clothes and writing. Ask us about the most interesting thing we have found out so far. 

Times tables!

By Miss Mead, Mrs Herron and Miss Newman, in Year 4 - Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Good afternoon!


It is so important we are learning our times tables in Year 4. Lots of children have been using TTrockstars which is amazing. Another great website we have found is

This is a really helpful website with different activities for children to try to help them with their times tables knowledge. The children have had a look at some of the activities during Fluency sessions and should recognise the website! 


By Miss Mead, in Year 4 - Monday, 11 July 2022

Good morning everyone!


Please find attached your homework sheet. This has your new spellings words- please check and learn these words. 

It also has a reminder of our healthy living activity- this Wednesday 13th we will be having time together to enjoy a healthy snack. Please create your own healthy snack for the break time.


Remember we are a nut aware school so no nuts please. 

Happy snack creating!


Year 4 Home Learning

By Year 4, in Year 4 - Friday, 8 July 2022

Attached is your Home Learning for 8.7.22

Remember to practise your spellings in different ways at home and complete the maths questions. Our homework challenge to make your own healthy snack to bring into school is due Wednesday 13th July.



By Miss Mead, in Year 4 - Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Hello Year 4!


Your homework sheet is attached within the blog. Make sure you look at your new spelling words. You also have a challenge on there about creating a healthy snack for next Wednesday. Please speak to your teachers if you have any questions.


Have fun!

Surviving the Rainforest

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Wednesday, 25 May 2022

This week we ended our Rainforest topic with two WOW activities.

On Monday, Teaching Talons visited with a number of small mammals, giant invertebrates and reptiles. We were able to get up close and handle a giant cockroach, a giant millipede, a tenrec, a leaf insect and a tortoise. We cemented our understanding of the layers of the rainforest that these creatures would be found in and learnt how to tell if produce from rainforests had been sustainably supplied.

On Tuesday, we imagined that we had to survive a night in a rainforest and worked in teams to build a model of a shelter. We had to consider access, strength and protection. After investigating different shelters, and learning how triangles are the strongest shape in construction, we used a range of materials to build what we hoped would be a successful shelter.

On Wednesday, we tested our shelters! Would they stand up to monsoon wind and rain? Would they withstand a large branch falling from a tall tree? Ask us if our shelter survived the test!

Creating Shelters

By Miss Newman , in Year 4 - Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Today we designed our own shelters in small groups, thinking about how to make them sturdy and waterproof. We had to collaborate and work well as a team to build our structures from the resources we had. We then tested them for wind, weather and flying objects to see if they would withstand the test of time!

Teaching Talons

By Miss Newman, in Year 4 - Monday, 23 May 2022

Our topic this term is all about Rainforests and today we had some very special visitors come in to show us lots of Rainforest animals. We saw reptiles, giant invertebrates and small mammals like the Madagascan tenrec! Now we are going to have a go at sketching the animals that we saw to see if we can capture all of their features. Which one was your favourite? 

That’s a wrap!

By Year 4, in Year 4 - Friday, 20 May 2022

The last day was spent being wild explorers. The children practised their team building skills and improved their resilience with new challenges and games. The Teachers would like to thank all of the children for demonstrating super behaviour and showing everyone at Wildchild how wonderful we all are at Fairlands school. They really did do us all proud. 

Camp fire

By Year 4, in Year 4 - Friday, 20 May 2022

Campfire songs, magic tricks, riddles and rhymes all washed down with tasty biscuit and a hot chocolate.