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School Blog Year 5 Jigsaw

School Blog

Year 5

The blog for Pine, Poplar & Spruce
Miss Pollen, Miss Newman and Mrs Allan


By Miss Pollen, in Year 5 - Friday, 24 November 2023

This week in our Jigsaw lessons, we have been learning more about bullying, focussing on direct and indirect bullying.

Direct bullying: when the bullying is done directly to the person 
being bullied. He or she might be pushed, hit, tripped, texted/
emailed, or told, “No, you can’t play with us”, having signs made at 
them, etc.

Indirect bullying: bullying that happens behind someone’s back, 
(spreading rumours, whispering, making signs to each other, 
stealing or damaging things without the person knowing who is 
doing it, excluding someone indirectly, e.g. making up excuses 
about why they can’t come rather than telling them directly).

Throughout these lessons, we encourage the children to think about their own actions and how they can be powerful in ensuring that bullying is not taking place in our school. We also talk about the various sources of support that can be accessed if you think you are experiencing bullying or see it happening to somebody else.