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School Blog Year 5 World Book Day

School Blog

Year 5

The blog for Pine, Poplar & Spruce
Mrs Madden, Miss Newman and Mrs Allan

World Book Day

By Spruce, in Year 5 - Thursday, 14 March 2024

Spruce started their World Book Day at Hogwart's by being sorted by the Sorting Hat.  We had chosen 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' as our book for the day.
We had a reading of Chapter Two for the Apprentice Wizards and Witches so that they could find the characters, props and setting as well as write about the plot.  Next, Professor Ellis took the Practitioner Wizards and Witches to read their chapter (Chapter 3).  The Expert Wizards and Witches were on their own with chapter 4 or 5.
Our second task of the day was to turn their chapter into a script. The Wizard's and Witches were given the opportunity to act it out, if they wished to do so.  We had some amazing Hagrid and splendid Dudley and Harry performances.  
After a 'World Book Day' themed lunch and quiz, we watched the parts of the first film that matched with our chapters.  The final quest was to compare them. We discovered there were some similarities and many differences between the film and the book.  We discussed why this might be.
Then it was time to get on our broom sticks and off we flew...