Reaching high for the best for your child

Starting Reception in September 2025

We are very proud of our school and we are sure your child will make a fantastic start to their education here.

Children start Reception in September. We recognise that the first term in Reception is an important transition point and we make sure that the activities support all the children, including those who may be away from home for a full day for the first time.

The application process for Reception 2025/26 opens on 1st November 2024 (Closing date 15th January 2025). All applications for Reception places are handled by the local authority - you can find more information on the Herts County Council website.  If you do not have easy access to a computer, or if you need any assistance working out what to do, please contact the school office on 01438 351053 - we will be able to help.

We are holding a second Reception Open Evening on Thursday 9th January 4pm-6pm if you would like to look around. No booking required. 

We are also holding Reception tours within the school day on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays until 15th January. If you would like to book a place please contact the school office on 01438 351053 or email 

Children are welcome to attend school tours. 

Our published determined admissions arrangements, and consultations for proposed arrangements for future years, can be found here.