It is expected that pupils with identified SEND make good progress with the correct provision and the school’s approach to ‘Great Teaching’. All pupils will have their needs met through Quality First Teaching including target group teaching, reasonable adjustment and adaptive teaching, providing the opportunity for every pupil to experience success. If a child does not make expected progress and/or requires further support, they will be in receipt of SEN support and have a Personalised Learning Plan.
Our aims are to identify pupils with special educational needs and to ensure that appropriate provision is in place, through:
There is a wide range of adjustments made to support pupils at Fairlands and we are happy to talk through any of them with you at any time. Examples include (but not restricted to!):
Each curriculum subject has a detailed guide describing each area of need, barriers to learning, provision adaptations and key points to adaptive teaching. This is used by teachers to identify steps to support pupils and ensure they can achieve success across the curriculum.
For a small number of pupils, it is necessary to introduce a further plan alongside their Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) to support their successful access to school life. This will be produced with home adults, the pupil’s class teacher and the SENDCo and will be regularly reviewed.
Pupil plans
Parent guides explaining these plans can be found by clicking on the links below: