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School Blog Nursery Halloween Fun

School Blog


The blog for Acorns and Conkers
Miss Kavanagh, Mrs Fleck and Mrs Waldrom

Halloween Fun

By Nursery, in Nursery - Friday, 3 November 2023

In Nursery this week we have enjoyed exploring some Halloween activities. We spent lots of time exploring pumpkins and talking about how they were similar or different in shape, colour, size and texture, using words such as 'bumpy', 'stripy', 'bigger' and 'smaller'. We noticed the pumkins all had stalks and were interested to hear that that is where they were joined to the plant. We have saved some seeds to try and grow our own pumpkins!

In the outdoor area we carved some pumpkins, the children quickly added them to the mud kitchen and loved creating pretend meals with them. One of the children from Acorns class wondered if you can eat pumpkins- lots of children thought you couldn't so we spent the afternoon making pumpkin soup. Some of us thought it was delicious and others weren't so sure!