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School Blog Nursery Science Day!

School Blog


The blog for Nursery
Mrs Huskinson, Mrs Fleck and Mrs Miller

Science Day!

By Nursery, in Nursery - Monday, 17 June 2024

Last Friday was Science Day in Nursery. We began the day in the school hall with a special STEM ambassador guest speaker called Ethan. He talked to us about the ways we can look after our planet and we shared what we had learnt when reading 'Greta and the Giants', a story about climate change. In Nursery, we found out about Daniella Dos Santos, a British Veterinary Scientist and her role looking after pets and other animals. We had fun pretending to be vets ourselves and we took turns to care for the animals. We also thought about our own bodies and all the special jobs it does, creating a class poster together. The children showed curiousity and enquiry skills throughout Science Day, well done Nursery!