Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Nursery Super Sharing

School Blog


The blog for Nursery
Mrs Huskinson, Mrs Fleck and Mrs Miller

Super Sharing

By Nursery, in Nursery - Wednesday, 7 February 2024

This week in Nursery we have been practising sharing fairly. We read the story 'The Last Marshmallow' by Grace Lin, which is about what two children did when they had three marshmallows to share. Then we practised sharing gem 'sweets' out, saying "One for you, one for me." We talked about what we could do if there is one left over. The children's ideas included:

  • break it in half and share it
  • put that one away
  • get another one
  • give that one to your teacher!

What fantastic ideas! This would be a brilliant thing to practise at home. The sign for 'fair' that we used to support this learning can be found here: and we used the third sign along!