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School Blog Nursery 'This Is Me!' Day

School Blog


The blog for Nursery
Mrs Huskinson, Mrs Fleck and Mrs Miller

'This Is Me!' Day

By Nursery, in Nursery - Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Yesterday we celebrated, 'This is Me!' Day. We talked about how we are all different but all very special and we all have different skills. Some of our teachers showed off their talents; Mrs Huskinson played her guitar, Ms Chappell showed off her rollerskating skills and Mrs Glindon showed us how to tap dance! The children all had brilliant ideas about things they are good at and showed off dancing, gymnastics, singing and cartwheeling skills. They also told us other things they are good at, including 'Helping Mummy with the washing' and 'Running really fast!'. After this, the children made pictures of their skills to show to their Reception class teachers on Thursday.