Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Reception All About Me

School Blog


The blog for Ash, Beech & Birch
Mrs Kirby, Miss Free and Mrs Moore

All About Me

By Beech Class, in Reception - Friday, 8 November 2024

This term we have really enjoyed our topic, All About Me. We have learnt about our senses, how to make a skeleton, who's in our families and different celebrations. We have really enjoyed this topic and we are excited to continue it for a few more weeks. We are going to create different self portraits next week and then we will use our baby photos to learn about the past and how we have changed.

In phonics this week we have learnt 3 diagraphs, ss, ff, ll, and the new phoneme j. We have also started reading practise and we are super excited  to take our first books home this weekend. We have been working hard practising our blending skills.

In independent time this week, Ted, Finley and Hugo made a huge aeroplane in the construction area. It even had 3 seats and two wings. Meanwhile, Oscar, Isla and Musa had some calm time in the wheelbarrow!

Well done Beech Class! Another fantastic week. Have a wonderful weekend :)

 Mrs Moore and the Beech Class team.