For Your Information
The summer holidays will finally be here at 215pm on Tuesday 23rd July and hopefully the sun will make an extended appearance too!
There are lots of things available to families throughout the summer and we have displayed this information on the noticeboards in the alleyway between the main gates to both sites. We have listed activities to do, cheap or free places for children to eat and information about courses happening for families supporting children with additional needs. Don't forget to take a photo when you are collecting your child at the end of the day!
We are aware that the holidays are not always easy as normal routine and everyday life is suddenly changed (and that's for children too, not just us adults!). If you are finding it challenging, then please visit our website page which lists the support agencies available: Signposts to support home adults
We hope you all have an enjoyable break and can't wait to see you back on Wednesday 4th September for another exciting year ahead!
School Blog Reception

School Blog


The blog for Ash, Beech & Birch
Mrs Kirby, Miss Free and Miss Weston

Dinosaur Wow Day!

By Beech class, in Reception - Thursday, 23 May 2024

WOW what an amazing dinosaur day we had! 

Beech class started the day greeted by some very large dinosaurs! 2 velicraptors and pterodactyl and a triceratops! 

Then Beech class started their first activity with Mrs Kirby. They made dinosaur poo! Beech class had to work together as a team and use their Design and Technology skills to carefully melt chocolate and mix it together with rice crispies and raisins. I hope they were yummy! 

Next Beech class visited Miss Free. For their activity beech class had to carefully follow instructions and use their fine motor skills to make dinosaur play doh. Beech class also had to use their maths skills to measure the different amounts. 

Finally, Beech class made their way back to Miss Weston to make dinosaur fossils. We learnt about the history of fossils and how they were formed. Beech class then had to squish the clay into a circle shape and then carefully press their dinosaur into the clay. Beech class worked really hard.

we finished the day with a dinosaur disco and then our parents came in to look at our beautiful hand made projects! Miss Weston, Miss Dela and Mrs Kandola were all very impressed with the projects this term. Well done beech class! Have a wonderful half term break. 

Dinosaur Eggs!

By By Beech Class, in Reception - Wednesday, 24 April 2024

This week some dinosaur eggs arrived! Beech class had a fantastic idea to make nests for them to keep them safe. The class made some brilliant plans and then used their plans to build their own nests. 

The class worked hard and shared the resources they found. Lots of children helped in independent time to find the natural resources they needed, like grass, sticks and leaves. We even remebered flowers to make their nests smell nice!

The children were very excited and worked well as a team to build theirs nests. Then Miss Weston gave them a dinosaur egg to very carefully carry to their nests. 
This week we are going to also look at the life cycle of a dinosaur. 

I wonder what will happen to their dinosaur eggs next? 

BIG news!

By Ash Class, in Reception - Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Oh no! We came back to school and found our digging patch was taped off. After further investigation, we found lots of bones in the digging patch.

We decided to become paeleontologists! We got magnifyng glasses, collected some crates as seats, got some dinosaur books and photos and got to work. 

We found a massive skull and even some teeth! We knew that there must be more clues so we looked around our outside area. 

We found feathers, teeth, scratches, footprints and even more bones. We even think we saw a pterodactyl in the sky! 

"Dinosaurs are now extinct" or are they...

Stay tuned for more information and news ! 

All Around the World

By Beech Class, in Reception - Thursday, 28 March 2024

This term our topic has been All Around the World

we had a fantastic time learning about the different continents. I am sure you have heard our special continents song at home too!

the class really enjoyed learning about the different continents and remembered some great facts. We finished the term with a celebration. We coloured in the different continents, made our own Mona Lisa paintings, learnt traditional dances from around the world and made world biscuits. We also learned how to say hello in different languages.

some of the children taught us how there families say hello

"Buna Ziawa"


well done beech class. Have a wonderful Easter break and see you in the summer term! 


World Down Syndrome Day 2024

By Beech class, in Reception - Monday, 25 March 2024


On Thursday 21st March 2024, Receotion celebrated world Down syndrome day. We all wore bright socks and took part in different activities. 

In the morning we listened to a story by George Webster. Lots of the children recognised him from CBeebies. We discussed what children and adults with Down syndrome can do... we know that they can do everything! It just might take them a little bit longer to learn how.

In the afternoon, we learnt that some people with Down syndrome can find it hard to hear. So we learnt the sign language for different nursery rhymes. We know that sign language is used to help people understand what we are saying. The children learnt the sign language for Wheels on the Bus and Hot Cross Buns. 

We also had a silent disco. We know that some children with Down syndrome don't like loud noises. So we had a very quiet disco so that everyone could enjoy dancing. At the end of the day, Junji's Mum came in to read a story with Reception. The children loved learning more about Down Syndrome. 


By Birch class, in Reception - Friday, 15 March 2024

During Jigsaw this half term, we are learning how to be healthy. We investigated what happened to our bodies when we did exercise. We realised, we got out of breath, warmer and when we felt our hearts they were beating faster. We got ourselves into groups and a performed a secret exercise for our friends to guess. We were great actors and detectives. We also had lots of fun too! Can you try acting out different exercises at home? 


By Birch class, in Reception - Friday, 15 March 2024

During our topic lessons, we have been learning all about the continents of the world. We learned there are 7 continents and they are called, Africa, Asia, Europe, Antarctica, Australia North and South America. We found out if we visited America, we could find black bears, beavers, guinea pigs and toucans. We also learned about the American flag and how it has 50 stars and 13 stripes. We were so impressed, we had a go at making our own using different materials. 

Happy Luna New Year

By Ash Class, in Reception - Friday, 9 February 2024

Happy Luna New Year! 

This afternoon, we learnt that some people celebrate a festival called Luna New Year or Chinese New Year. 

We watched a video of a little girl getting ready for the festival. We learnt about their lucky colours, how they decorate their home and why they celebrate the festival. 

In the video, the little girl said that they love sitting down with their family and eating some noodles together using chopsticks.

Someone in our class showed us how they use chopsticks at home! (They were an expert!) 

So, we cooked some noodles and we tried really hard to eat them using the chopsticks. It was really tricky! 

STEM Summer Camp

By Science Team, in Reception - Friday, 9 February 2024

24th, 25th, and 26th July 2024, 9am – 5pm (full day)

For children aged 7 to 11 years old.

Maximum capacity (per event): 30 children

Join us for one, two, or three days of fun and hands-on activities that will spark your child’s curiosity and creativity.

Wednesday 24th July – Crazy Chemistry

Join us for a spectacular and educational scientific adventure! You’ll explore and investigate many different chemicals and their amazing and surprising reactions.

Thursday 25th July – Eyes in the Skies

In this fun-filled day of space science and environmental protection, you will get to explore and investigate how satellites help us monitor and understand our home planet.

Friday 26th July – Water is Wet!

Learn how to design and test devices to launch water bombs at your opponents – and devices to protect yourself from getting soaked – in this exciting experiment of physics and engineering.


You can book via the website below: 

STEM open day!

By Science Team, in Reception - Friday, 9 February 2024

Saturday 11th May 2024

Come and join the STEM Discovery Centre for our last Public Opening for 2024

Explore all our exciting exhibits, sit back and travel into our solar system, discover how we use satellites to study Earth and it’s systems! And enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the latest prototype of the ExoMars rover!


You can book via the website below: