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School Blog Reception Dinosaur Wow Day!

School Blog


The blog for Ash, Beech & Birch
Mrs Kirby, Miss Free and Mrs Moore

Dinosaur Wow Day!

By Beech class, in Reception - Thursday, 23 May 2024

WOW what an amazing dinosaur day we had! 

Beech class started the day greeted by some very large dinosaurs! 2 velicraptors and pterodactyl and a triceratops! 

Then Beech class started their first activity with Mrs Kirby. They made dinosaur poo! Beech class had to work together as a team and use their Design and Technology skills to carefully melt chocolate and mix it together with rice crispies and raisins. I hope they were yummy! 

Next Beech class visited Miss Free. For their activity beech class had to carefully follow instructions and use their fine motor skills to make dinosaur play doh. Beech class also had to use their maths skills to measure the different amounts. 

Finally, Beech class made their way back to Miss Weston to make dinosaur fossils. We learnt about the history of fossils and how they were formed. Beech class then had to squish the clay into a circle shape and then carefully press their dinosaur into the clay. Beech class worked really hard.

we finished the day with a dinosaur disco and then our parents came in to look at our beautiful hand made projects! Miss Weston, Miss Dela and Mrs Kandola were all very impressed with the projects this term. Well done beech class! Have a wonderful half term break.