Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Reception World Down Syndrome Day 2024

School Blog


The blog for Ash, Beech & Birch
Mrs Kirby, Miss Free and Mrs Moore

World Down Syndrome Day 2024

By Beech class, in Reception - Monday, 25 March 2024


On Thursday 21st March 2024, Receotion celebrated world Down syndrome day. We all wore bright socks and took part in different activities. 

In the morning we listened to a story by George Webster. Lots of the children recognised him from CBeebies. We discussed what children and adults with Down syndrome can do... we know that they can do everything! It just might take them a little bit longer to learn how.

In the afternoon, we learnt that some people with Down syndrome can find it hard to hear. So we learnt the sign language for different nursery rhymes. We know that sign language is used to help people understand what we are saying. The children learnt the sign language for Wheels on the Bus and Hot Cross Buns. 

We also had a silent disco. We know that some children with Down syndrome don't like loud noises. So we had a very quiet disco so that everyone could enjoy dancing. At the end of the day, Junji's Mum came in to read a story with Reception. The children loved learning more about Down Syndrome.