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School Blog Year 1

School Blog

Year 1

The blog for Cherry, Chestnut & Cedar
Mr Barnett, Ms Antrobus and Mrs Wrangles

Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion

By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Thursday, 14 March 2024

This week we have be writing the story of Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion. Everybody has done an amazing job and we have been wowed by the super writing! 

In our stories we included sentences using 'and' and 'because. We also included exclamation sentences such as 'What tatty hair you have!' We have been writing in our neatest handwriting and remembering our punctuation. 

Everybody has loved learning about this story which is a twist on the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood. It has sparked our imaginations and we have been reading other alternative stories as we have loved it so much!

World Book Day

By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Thursday, 7 March 2024

We have had an awesome day celebrating World Book Day. We started by sharing the character we came as today and talking about the books they were from. 

The book we looked at as a class today was 'The Jolly Postman or Other People's Letters'. We have been learning about all the traditional tales and fairytales in English this half term. We came across lots of the characters we knew, including the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood, the bears from Goldilocks and the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. 

We had a closer look at the letter the witch received. It was a poster about all the witch supplies she might need. We knew that these were so she could make her potions. There were lots of ingredients at the front to make our own potions with! We had super fun adding different things to our potion bottles to make a variety of amazing potions, including flying potions, evil milkshakes and crystal spells. Once we finished making them we then wrote a set of instructions on how to make our potions. 

After that, we looked at the Jolly Postman's journey that day. We drew him a map so he would know where to go to post the letters. We used directional language to help tell the Jolly Postman where to go on his journey.

Finally, we thought about the letters he would have to post and thought about the most efficient way to deliver them. We decided to that he should deliver them in order so that he is not running around everywhere! We had to help him by ordering the house numbers on the envelope so that he could get home in time for tea. 

Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion

By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Today we have started looking at a new book in English. It is called Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion. This story reminds us of the story Little Red Riding Hood and we are interested to know if it ends the same way.

So far we have read the start of the story and have been looking at the character Little Red. We had a go at hot seating, where we role played as the character Little Red and answered questions about our morning, this was great fun!

We then completed a Role on the Wall with Little Red, thinking about what she looks like and what type of person she is. Looking back at the book, we decided Little Red was a kind person as she went to look after her poorly Auntie Rosie and she is brave because she jumped over the crocodiles on her way. 

What is the best material for Eddy's coat?

By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Monday, 12 February 2024

We were super scientists this afternoon. We had to work out which material would have been best to use for Eddy's raincoat. We decided we needed to test some different materials and find out which of them were waterproof. To make it a fair test, we added the same amount of water and waited for the same amount of time before checking to see if the water had gone through the material. We found that plastic and foil were waterproof but decided plastic would be the best material for a raincoat as it doesn't easily break. 


By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 9 February 2024

Today we had lots of fun in our computing lesson. We have been learning about using the paint app to create pictures. We have learnt how to fill, draw, undo, erase as well as using shapes and lines. Today we created a flower picture in pairs, taking turns to add to our drawing. We think our pictures look amazing!


By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 26 January 2024

In Jigsaw we have been learning about how to work well together. This has linked in really well with our value of 'understanding'. We started by playing a mirror game, where we had to copy what our partner was doing, this was great fun! We then had to design a wellington boot together. First we discussed our design, making sure to listen to our partner's ideas and then spent time completing our design. While we completed this activity, we were thinking about our new school rules, in particiular 'respect'. By listening to each others ideas, we were respecting them. We think our designs look great!


By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 12 January 2024

We had a great computing lesson today. We used our brand new laptops and were experimenting with the Paint app. Chestnut Class did a great job of logging in first and finding the app on the desktop. We worked out what the different icons did and created a picture on Paint. We all loved computing and are looking forward to our lesson next week!

Shared Reading

By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Monday, 18 December 2023

Chestnut class were so lucky to have Poplar class come for shared reading. This time, Chestnut class read to the Year 5 children. They a tried really hard with the reading and phonics! It was great having them and Chestnut class were sad to see them go back to their own class.


By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Tuesday, 21 November 2023

This week we have been remembering our learning from Anti-Bullying week. We recapped what makes a bully and talked about what we could do if we are or see anyone being bullied. We said if it was us that was being bullied, we could tell a trusted adult or talk to a friend. If we saw someone else being bullied, we could talk to them afterwards and go with them to tell a trusted adult. We then talked about all the amazing ways Chestnut class know how to be kind and care for others.

Children In Need

By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Monday, 20 November 2023

We have loved coming in dressed up for Children In Need. Lots of us are wearing our Pudsey outfits and ears. We started the day with some Children In Need maths where we had to add the objects together. We learnt about Children In Need and that Pudsey bear was introduced in 1985. He is called Pudsey because that is where the designer came from. We looked at the map to see how far away it was and discovered it would take us 3 days to walk there!