Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 1

School Blog

Year 1

The blog for Cherry, Chestnut & Cedar
Mr Barnett, Ms Antrobus and Mrs Wrangles

Fantastic Scientists

By Cherry Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 17 March 2023

We had a brilliant science day today.  We dressed up as different types of scientists and even brought in some experiments from home.  We found out that we all have different fingerprints and did an experiment to look at our own fingerprints.  We also used our thinking skills to try and solve a bridge challenge.  We carried out an experiment to find out how germs can grow on food.  We put some bread into a plastic bag but we didn’t all wash our hands first.  Next week we are going to discover what has happened to the bread.

Science Day

By Cedar Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 17 March 2023

Cedar class had an amazing day being scientists for the day. Some of us brought in our own experiments and some of us had videos to share of us being scientists at home.

We made sustainable soap, became finger print experts and even became engineers this afternoon designing our own bridges.

Let's Celebrate World Book Day

By Cherry Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 3 March 2023

We had so much fun dressing up for World Book Day!  We read lots of stories together and even did some acting out.  We also shared our favourite books and made a special bookmark to help us remember the day.

Passion Week

By Cherry Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 24 February 2023

This week has been Passion Week at Fairlands.  We have been finding out all the things our teachers love, their hobbies and interests.  In Cherry Class, Mrs Fleck has been teaching us about her passion for stories.  We listened to pirate stories and made our own treasure maps.  Mrs Palmer also shared her passion for Formula 1.  We particularly enjoyed learning about a famous racing driver, Lewis Hamilton, who was born in Stevenage.

Breaking News!

By Cherry Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 3 February 2023

Dragons were sighted in the sky and we become dragonologists to search for clues. We found dragon eggs and huge footprints.  We received a letter explaining that a dragon had gone missing from Dragon world. After making missing posters we decided to create our own Dragon World to help the dragons return home.  Next week we will be thinking about what the dragon might look like and write our own dragon story.

Burns Night

By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 3 February 2023

Today we learnt about the Scottish festival of Burns Night. This was celebrated last weekend across Scotland and in England. We learned that they eat a food called Haggis and they say a special grace called the Selkirk Grace before eating. They have a piper to play the bagpipes when the haggis is brought in and they say a speical poem. We watched a special highland dance and then had a go ourselves! We loved it and even continued outside during our independent time!


By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Monday, 30 January 2023

We had an exciting time today. We saw a news article about dragons possibly being in the area! We became detectives and went outside to find clues to see if there had been a dragon at Fairlands. There were lots of things to see including footprints, cracks but most excitingly a dragon egg! We are looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Numbots Day!

By Cherry Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 27 January 2023

Wow!! We had a brilliant day dressing up and playing games for our Numbots day today.  We made our own maths bead strings, creating groups of 5, and played maths games inside and outside.  We learnt how to use the Numbots website and now our Numbots logins are in the front of our reading records.  We can’t wait ask our family to log in at home so we can show off our maths skills. J

Numbots Day

By Chestnut Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 27 January 2023

We had a super Numbots day today! We completed loads of fun maths activities throughout the day. We started by creating our own beadstring, each with 20 beads in 5s. We are super excited as we can use these during our maths lessons to help with our learning.

We also played some board games including snakes and ladders. Afterwards we went outside and completed a variety of maths based games, we really enjoyed including maths into our games. 

Finally, this afternoon, we all logged onto our Numbots account and started to earn lots of stars and coins for our robots. We have really enjoyed doing this and hope we can gain enough to modify our robots soon!

The logins are stuck at the front of the reading records and there is a letter explaining how to log on. Hope you enjoy your Numbots games!

Numbots Day

By Cedar Class, in Year 1 - Friday, 27 January 2023

Cedar Class had an amazing day today. We dressed up as robots and all found out how to log on to Numbots. The children thought the games were great and had a competition who could reach level 5 first.

We also made our own bead strings to help us with our adding and subtraction in class and had a number of outdoor activities that made us use our fluency facts to solve practical problems.