Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 6 King of the Sky!

School Blog

Year 6

The blog for Willow, Whitebeam & Walnut
Mr Tweeddell, Miss Shields and Mrs Barnett

King of the Sky!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Friday, 6 December 2024

During our No Outsiders lesson for this half term, we read a story called 'King of the Sky' written by Nicola Davies which is a story about a young Italian boy who moved to Wales with his family. He feels isolated and alone until he makes an unlikely friend, an old man who lets him fly one of his pigeons in a race. This friendship helps him to learn how to belong. We discussed how the boy felt throughout the story and how the events affected his emotions. Then, we used this information to draw a storyline showing the main events and how they impacted him. Here are a few of our examples!