For Your Information
The summer holidays will finally be here at 215pm on Tuesday 23rd July and hopefully the sun will make an extended appearance too!
There are lots of things available to families throughout the summer and we have displayed this information on the noticeboards in the alleyway between the main gates to both sites. We have listed activities to do, cheap or free places for children to eat and information about courses happening for families supporting children with additional needs. Don't forget to take a photo when you are collecting your child at the end of the day!
We are aware that the holidays are not always easy as normal routine and everyday life is suddenly changed (and that's for children too, not just us adults!). If you are finding it challenging, then please visit our website page which lists the support agencies available: Signposts to support home adults
We hope you all have an enjoyable break and can't wait to see you back on Wednesday 4th September for another exciting year ahead!
School Blog Year 6

School Blog

Year 6

The blog for Willow, Whitebeam & Walnut
Mr Tweeddell, Miss Brooker and Ms Hodgson

Transition Passports!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Thursday, 20 June 2024

Today, the Year 6 children have begun their transition passports! As they get closer to the end of primary school, it is important to help them prepare for their transition to secondary. The children started by discussing their worries, things that they are excited about and ways to think positively. Then, they researched information about their own secondary school and we discovered lots of new information. They will be continuing next week! 

Fairlands Lakes!

By Year 6 Teachers , in Year 6 - Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Year 6 had an absolute blast today at Fairlands Lakes! We took a leisurely walk over to the park where we had some time to play on the equipment and hang out with our friends. When we were hungry, we had a picnic style lunch to give us energy for more playing. Then, we had some more time on the equipment before heading back to school. We played really nicely and we represented Fairlands extremely well - our teachers were so impressed! Finally, we headed back to school and it is safe to say... we are all exhausted! 

Super Science!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Monday, 17 June 2024

We had a fantastic day in Willow Class on Friday for Science Day! We started off by completing a Science lesson linked to our current topic: Evolution and Inheritance. Then, we went to listen to a talk about climate change from a real engineer! We finished off our day by completing a poster about what climate change is and how we can help our planet. Here are some of our posters! 

Music festival planning!

By Willow Class, in Year 6 - Thursday, 13 June 2024

This week, in our Maths lessons, we have been planning our own music festivals! Yesterday, we discussed what we wanted at our festival and completed our site plan. Today, we have been discussing the costs of our stages, stalls and artists. Tomorrow, we will move on to thinking about how we can cover these costs. During this project, we have been learning to apply our mathematical skills; make choices and decisions and work collaboratively. We can't wait to see it all come together! 

Fantastic freeze frames!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Thursday, 6 June 2024

This week, we have begun our topic for the half term: Ancient Greeks. Our guided reading text, which is linked to our topic, is The Story of Antigone. Today, we looked at statements in the prologue of our book to give us a better understanding of what happened befor our story begins. In groups, we created a freeze frame for each statement so that we could picture really clearly what happened - it was great fun! 

Game central!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Wednesday, 15 May 2024

After another day of brain-busting SATs papers, we had some downtime before revising for our final paper. We had a choice of activity and almost our whole class selected to sit and play some sort of game including uno, chess and building lego. Everyone was playing so nicely, calmly and respectfully that Miss Hodgson even gave us extra time! 

Reading and relaxing!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Monday, 13 May 2024

After a busy morning of SATs papers and a little more revision, our teachers gave us some time to escape into the worlds of our reading books. This was time for us to relax, not worry about anything and enjoy some calm. The weather was that lovely, most of us even chose to do our reading outside! 

Phenomenal Physical Education!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Wednesday, 1 May 2024

This half term, we are lucky enough to have Stevenage Borough FC coming in to run some of our PE sessions. During today's session, we warmed up by playing a modified version of stuck in the mud. Then, we practised our passing and shooting skills before playing some mini games of handball. We are loving the sessions so far and we cannot wait for next week! 

Talking about mental health!

By Willow Class , in Year 6 - Thursday, 18 April 2024

We have kicked off our new half term with our new Jigsaw topic: relationships. Our first lesson focused on discussing mental health - we spoke about what this is, how we can imagine this as a set of scales and how some people may feel ashamed if they suffer from mental health problems. First, we looked at challenges and supports that could help balance our scales as we know that stresses and worries are a normal part of life. Then, we talked about what could happen if our scales aren't balances and our challenges become too much. We ended our lesson by sharing why we thought people shouldn't be ashamed of mental health problems and what we could do to support each other. 

Easter activity morning 2

By Year 6 teachers , in Year 6 - Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Our second Easter activity morning has been another successful few hours of fun and engaging activities! The children completed some quizzes and riddles before moving onto a board game. After a well-deserved break, they then had an incredible time completing some graffiti revision - the teachers wrote on our desks! We then went between all 3 classes to answer the questions in groups. 

Thank you so much to all the children who attended - we hope you had a fantastic time and we can't wait to see you back at school next Tuesday!