Reaching high for the best for your child

Our School SEND at Fairlands

How we support families of children with SEND at Fairlands

We understand that parenting any child is not the easiest of jobs and is made even harder as it doesn’t come with an instructions manual or job description! For families of our SEND children this can sometimes feel incredibly challenging and lonely. Please speak to your child’s class teacher or the SENDCo if you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure and we will be happily to help or signpost you in the right direction.

We provide a range of ways to support families of SEND children:

If you are in the EHCP process for your child, you will receive information from the local authority via HertsFX. This email message will appear from DO NOT REPLY: Alternatively, you can log onto HertsFX at the following link:

If you do not have an account, once you create one from the HertsFX email, you will be able to access your message and response securely (please keep a record of your username and password as this is not easy to reset). Please note it may not be possible to do this on a Smart Phone/Tablet, and you may need to do this on either a laptop or desktop. Please ask at the office for help if you are struggling with this.

If you have any problems creating or accessing an account, please contact their IT Support Team on 01992 555000 options 1-1-4 /