In Nursery this week we have enjoyed exploring some Halloween activities. We spent lots of time exploring pumpkins and talking about how they were similar or different in shape, colour, size and texture, using words such as 'bumpy', 'stripy', 'bigger' and 'smaller'. We noticed the pumkins all had stalks and were interested to hear that that is where they were joined to the plant. We have saved some seeds to try and grow our own pumpkins!
In the outdoor area we carved some pumpkins, the children quickly added them to the mud kitchen and loved creating pretend meals with them. One of the children from Acorns class wondered if you can eat pumpkins- lots of children thought you couldn't so we spent the afternoon making pumpkin soup. Some of us thought it was delicious and others weren't so sure!
In Nursery we have been learning all about the season Autumn! We collected leaves in our outdoor area and talked about their changing colours. We used them to do leaf rubbing pictures and leaf printing too, mixing 'autumn coloured' paints. The children enjoyed rolling conkers and listened to autumn stories too!
This week Mr Sharp and Mr Skinner took away the broken bus from the Nursery garden. Underneath they found a frog! They carefully caught the frog in a tank so we could all have a look. We were so excited when we saw it jumping around! We tried to be really quiet so that we didn't scare the frog. Then we thought of some words to describe the frog, e.g. 'green' and 'slimy'. After a little while, some of us helped Miss Kavanagh to release the frog into the tyres in our outdoor area. We hope it will be happy in it's new home!
Welcome to our first Nursery blog of 2023-24! We are so proud of how well the children are settling into school, starting Nursery is a huge step in our children's lives and they are doing brilliantly at building strong relationships with the adults and getting to know the other children. This week the children have enjoyed exploring all the different resources we have in Nursery. On windy days we have particularly loved using our bubble board in the garden to blow huge bubbles!
Last week, we had a special visitor called Gini. She came in to show us different activities all about the great outdoors, this is our current topic.
The first activity was all about birds, Gini brought in her bird puppet, showed us real birds nests and talked about the different natural materials birds use to build their nests. Next, we decorated our own egg to put in the nests.
Finally, we made insect houses with sticks and special netting.
We thought our nature day was fantastic.
In Nursery, we have been learning about ‘The Great Outdoors’
We have enjoyed going on bug hunts and talking about the life cycles of different insects and creatures.
Mrs Johnson brought in five caterpillars, we watched them build their chrysalis and hatch into butterflies.
Today we released the butterflies in our outside area. It was wonderful to watch them fly around.
This week, we have started our new topic. As we are enjoying the change in seasons and watching the weather beginning to improve, we have voted for the new topic of ‘The Great Outdoors’.
We are so excited to learn all about wildlife, nature, growing, minibeasts, the environment and much more.
We will also be visiting the school pond to see the frogspawn very soon. We can then learn all about life cycles.
What a lot to look forward to, don’t forget to keep checking the blog to see what we have been up to each week.
Today, we were visited by a pirate. The pirate was called Captain Greybeard. He came to say thank you to us for looking after his pet parrot, Bluey.
While he was here he answered lots of our questions too. We learnt that his favourite food was shark and chips, he lived on a pirate ship and sailed the seas looking for treasure. He also likes to go swimming with whales and dolphins.
We hope he comes and visits us again soon.
Last week, one of our stories of the week was called ‘Pizza for Pirates.’
We were inspired by this book and today, we made our own pizzas.
We used buns, tomato passata, sweetcorn, pineapple, peppers and cheese. We used a knife to chop the peppers and pineapple and a cheese grater for the cheese.
We are very good pizza makers and hope we get to do more cooking in nursery soon.