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School Blog Nursery

School Blog


The blog for Nursery
Mrs Huskinson, Mrs Fleck and Mrs Miller

Chinese New Year Celebrations!

By Nursery, in Nursery - Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Last week in Nursery, we had lots of fun learning all about the Lunar New Year, and the Chinese traditions and customs of the festival. We learnt about the lucky colour red and why manadrin oranges and red envelopes are exchanged over the celebrations. In small groups, the children learnt how to make a dragon puppet - folding strips of card and using lollipop sticks. We listened to dragon dance music and banged on drums and cymbals's creating our very own dragon dance. A great way to welcome in the year of the dragon!

Super Sharing

By Nursery, in Nursery - Wednesday, 7 February 2024

This week in Nursery we have been practising sharing fairly. We read the story 'The Last Marshmallow' by Grace Lin, which is about what two children did when they had three marshmallows to share. Then we practised sharing gem 'sweets' out, saying "One for you, one for me." We talked about what we could do if there is one left over. The children's ideas included:

  • break it in half and share it
  • put that one away
  • get another one
  • give that one to your teacher!

What fantastic ideas! This would be a brilliant thing to practise at home. The sign for 'fair' that we used to support this learning can be found here: and we used the third sign along!

Pyjama Day!

By Nursery, in Nursery - Wednesday, 31 January 2024

The children had so much fun during Pyjama Day in Nursery! We started the week by reading the story, 'Pip and Posy. The Bedtime Frog' and we enjoyed role playing the story in our home corner. We talked about any toys or bedtime routines that are important to our children and we enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate treat to finish the week during circle time!

Jam on Toast!

By Nursery, in Nursery - Friday, 12 January 2024

This week in Nursery, we have revisited one of our favourite stories, "Where's Lenny?" We retold the story using pictures and actions, and then we acted out parts of the story, including making our very own jam on toast! The children did a great job at carefully spreading the butter and scooping out the sweet smelling jam. Finally, they cut the toast into two equal parts and enjoyed sharing a yummy snack with a friend.

Pattern Spotters!

By Nursery, in Nursery - Wednesday, 10 January 2024

This week in Nursery we have been learning about repeating patterns. We have practised making our own patterns using a variety of resources around the classroom, including with unifix cubes, magnetic tiles, natural resources and even with dance moves! For a little extra challenge we have also been trying to spot mistakes in patterns that our teachers have made, they couldn't trick us!

Christmas Singing and Activity Morning in Nursery

By Nursery, in Nursery - Monday, 18 December 2023

A big thank you to all who attended our Christmas singing and activity morning last week!
The children had so much fun learning Christmas songs and they did such a super job performing in the big school hall. We were so proud of their fantastic effort. Lots of lovely Christmas crafts were made after the performance and we are now most definitely in the Christmas spirit here in Nursery!

Marvellous Mathematicians!

By Nursery, in Nursery - Thursday, 30 November 2023

Recently in Nursery our children have been showing us what confident mathematicians they are. We have been looking closely at small amounts of objects and talking about what we notice, for example the child in the top right picture told us, "It's three! I see a one, and a one... and another one!" While the child in the bottom right played around with arrangements of numicon pieces for a long time before telling us, "two and two and two and one is seven... and six and one is seven too!" What brilliant maths skills for children of just three and four years old! Developing a good understanding of how numbers are made up is a huge part of maths in the early years, and will help our children to solve maths problems with confidence as they get older. Look out for our maths workshop in the New Year to learn more about how we teach maths skills in Nursery and Reception!

Mark Making in Nursery

By Nursery, in Nursery - Wednesday, 22 November 2023

This week in Nursery we have been exploring drawing and mark making in different ways. One of the ways we most enjoyed was lying on some soft cushions and drawing on paper taped to the underside of the table! This was not only brilliant fun but really good for our arm muscles. Having strong arm and hand muscles is really important as it will make it much easier for us to form letters when we are writing in Reception!

Diwali in Nursery

By Nursery, in Nursery - Friday, 17 November 2023

Celebrating Diwali in nursery has been so much fun!

We made rangoli patterns using rice and diya lamps using saltdough.

The children were really excited to have two of our parents visit us this week too. They told us all about how they celebrate Diwali and we shared what we know about diwali too! 

Happy Diwali!

Wet, Windy and Wild Weather!

By Nursery, in Nursery - Wednesday, 15 November 2023

This week we have enjoyed some different weather in our outdoor area. It has been very wet and windy, so we put on our wellies and waterproofs and went outside to explore! We loved jumping into muddy puddles and had to solve the problem of what to do when everyone wanted to jump at once. With a bit of help from our teachers we decided to make a line so that we could run and jump into the puddle safely, one at a time. We also discovered that the wind has blown down lots of leaves from the trees, which we greatly enjoyed throwing in the air and using to try and bury some of our teachers!

Also outside, Mrs Fleck was very impressed with our teamwork when using the hosepipe. We have been taking it in turns to turn the tap on when someone tells us they are ready. Then we have to listen carefully for when they say, 'stop!' and turn it off quickly! All in all, a very wet, windy and wild week in Nursery!