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School Blog Year 4 Outdoor learning

School Blog

Year 4

The blog for Lime, Larch & Laburnum
Miss Shields, Mrs Herron and Miss Mead

Outdoor learning

By Mrs Herron, in Year 4 - Thursday, 19 May 2022

Those of us not at Wildchild have also spent the last two days enjoying outdoor learning. On Wednesday we explored the school pond and created nature art. We ended the day by working together to create a piece of Andy Goldsworthy inspired art on the school field. Today we spent the day at Fairlands Valley Park. We learnt how to use a map and compass to navigate and found points of reference to help us reach certain places around Fairlands Valley. After a short play in the park and our yummy picnics, we then enjoyed a variety of sports before heading back to school. Can you guess who is under the parachute?