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School Blog Year 4 WOW WEEK!

School Blog

Year 4

The blog for Lime, Larch & Laburnum
Mr Fisher, Mrs Herron and Miss Mead


By Miss Newman , in Year 4 - Friday, 24 March 2023

Lime class have really enjoyed our Wow Week this week, all about our topic involving Robots.

On Monday, we used our D&T skills to make our own robots, we tried to run an electrical circuit through them to have an element of our robot light up and also used our knowledge of linkages and levers to try and make our robot move! 

On Tuesday we were very busy looking at the different types of angles in robots and solving maths factory problems involving area and perimeter.

On Wednesday, we used our art skills to create our own perspective drawings similar to the style of Eric Joyner, with our own robots and donuts!

On Thursday, we wrote up our instruction manuals for our own robots thinking about different things the user would need to know about how they work.

On Friday, we did some more reading of our core text 'The Iron Man' by Ted hughes, and came up with some of our own robotic dances in PE, which we shared with the rest of the Year 4 classes!