Poplar class have had an excellent world book day! The book we have been looking at is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, an oldie but a goodie! We even had our very own pair of Oompa Loompas in the class! We started off by creating our own sweet inventions, just like Willy Wonka. We had to use expanded noun phrases and figurative language to describe our inventions. We then did a class vote on our favourite sweets and chocolates and used our Maths skills to create a bar chart to represent this information. We drew along with Quentin Blake, the author of lots of Roald Dahl's books, to have a go at sketching Willy Wonka and his Oompa Loompas. In the afternoon we took part in two fun world book day quizzes and got into the hall to take part in some drama activities acting out some of our favourite scenes from books.
Pine Class really enjoyed World Book Day today. After a quiz to get us into the mood, we learned about Mrs Allan's favourite childhood book, "The Magic Faraway Tree". The children planned and then wrote an adventure set in their own make-believe land found at the top of this incredible tree. In the afternoon, they all then brought their lands to life by drawing them using different media including twigs we gathered ourselves to represent the top of the tree.
In our topic lessons this half term, we have worked really hard on planning and making a collage of earth with a painted background. We also sculpted our own planets and painted them, they all turned out wonderful!
We have really enjoyed learning about Space this term and the children have really impressed their teachers with their scientific knowledge, well done Year 5!
Ask your child:
What shape is the earth?
What planets are in our Solar System?
How do planets move in our Solar System?
How does the moon move?
How does day and night occur?
There is loads to do in and around Stevenage this half term including a Space rockets workshop in the Museum. This would follow nicely on after our space theme this term.
21st February – 23rd February
Sessions run from 11:00–12:00am and 2:00–3:00pm
>Wednesday 21st February – Wonderful wire sculptures
>Thursday 22nd February – Clay Day
>Friday 23rd February – Space rockets
During one of our No Outsiders lessons, we read the book 'Kenny lives with Erica and Martina'. Kenny's world soon becomes a lot more colourful with the arrival of some new neighbours. Kenny welcomes the change, but not everyone else does. How can Kenny let everyone know that being different is not something to be afraid of? We made our own graffiti messages using PowerPoint to spread our own messages.
These are some of the messages that Poplar class came up with:
'Treat others how you want to be treated'
'Be you, be unique'
'Everyone is different, so we should respect everyone'
'Everyone is different, and that's okay'
'Be yourself, change is okay'
Today Pine Class have been presenting the weather in France. They have learned how to say what the weather is doing all over the country. They all did an excellent job and seemed to enjoy it ;-)
Ask your child: "Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui" and see what they tell you!
A bientot!
Today, ear 5 enjoyed the last of their 6 sessions with ladies from Give. Help. Share, a charity created to try to educate our youngsters to help them make healthier food choices.
Over the course of the 6 sessions, the children learned all about which foods give them energy, which have health benefits, and which we can still have, but only really as a treat.
To end with a bang, the children were all given their own portable blender. They made banana and berry smoothies mixed with apple juice in class and they all agreed they were delicious. The best part was, they got to take the blenders home. The year 5 teachers can't wait to hear about what creative concoctions they come up with next!
We have been learning all about the different planets in Space in our Science lessons. In groups, we were each given a planet to research and make a poster for. We then had to present our findings to the class. We worked brilliantly to show the Fairlands school rules during this group work activity: making sure everybody was included and had a role whether they were researching facts or writing down ideas, we showed what we can achieve when we work together and came up with some eye catching, informative posters, and we respected each group when it was their turn to present, by showing good listening skills. Well done Poplar class!
Congratulations to Cassie who won the Poplar class book review competition. The class were asked to write a review of our Guided Reading book, Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. Well done Cassie - I loved reading your charismatic review!
This is my opinion of letters form the lighthouse by Emma Carroll. Personally, I thought it deserves 4 and a half stars out of 5 and that’s what I’m here to explain. In my own perspective of this book, I strongly recommend it for passionate readers, who are up for a challenge and enjoy cliffhangers, powerful description and I could probably point seven more points but we better get on. I could close my eyes for a split second and imagine what WWII is like just from a short line of description. This book has many ups and downs but in the end, well they sort things out. I’m going to end my review here so I don’t spoil it for your adventures, hope you enjoy and I will be sure to read plenty other Emma Carroll books since they are emotionally inspiring.
In science this week we have been investigating the effects of water resistance. We discussed how it feels different to walk in water than it does to walk on land and we learnt that water resistance is a type of friction. We had to build three shapes out of play dough to test which one would sink the fastest. We used stopwatches to try to be as accurate as possible and made sure it was a fair test by doing it three times for each shape to get the best results. Which shape do you think would sink the fastest?