Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Year 5

School Blog

Year 5

The blog for Pine, Poplar & Spruce
Mrs Madden, Miss Newman and Mrs Allan

Year 5 spread kindness

By Mrs Allan, in Year 5 - Sunday, 24 September 2023

The whole school participated in a kindness seminar this week and we were all encouraged to spread kindness by our actions.  Pine class produced some beautiful cards for their friends, family and even teachers!  I can definitely confirm that their efforts produced a great burst of happiness across the school.

Growth Mindset

By Miss Pollen, in Year 5 - Thursday, 7 September 2023

This afternoon, in Spruce Class, we have been learning all about having a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be changed and developed throughout their lives. This is true - our intelligence is not fixed and our brain is a muscle that will continue to grow if it works hard. We will be working throughout the year to build our resilience to setbacks and to challenge ourselves to allow our brains to grow!

Brilliant Club Graduation

By Miss Pollen, in Year 5 - Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Throughout the past few months, a number of children across Year 5 have taken part in the Brilliant Club Scholars Programme. The children worked weeklywith a PhD university tutor on the topic of 'What is Fairness?' They completed a final assignment to showcase what they had learned during the sessions and to discuss this philosophical concept. Today was their graduation ceremony, where they received their certificates and grading for their assignments. Two of our children also read speeches about their experience on the programme during the ceremony and did a really amazing job of representing themselves and our school. We are so proud of all of the children who took part in the programme and demonstrated hard work and dedication.

Chess Club and Cake!

By Mrs Allan, in Year 5 - Friday, 14 July 2023

On Tuesday, year 5 attended their last chess club session this year.  The group have been fantastic, sharing tips and techniques and always demonstrating excellent manners.

It has been a pleasure watching the children engage politely and avidly with each other.

Our last session was extra special as Riley O'Shea brought an incredible chess themed cake for us all to enjoy! It was as delicious as it looked.

Well Done Millie!

By Miss Pollen, in Year 5 - Thursday, 13 July 2023

A huge well done to Millie in Pine Class who won the Stevenage Borough Council run competition to design a poster with items that can be composted. Millie went to the council offices to meet the Stevenage Mayor and author Polly Owen to receive her prize of a wormery and a signed copy of the book Darwin’s Super Pooping Worm Spectacular. Millie’s poster was chosen from 61 entries from school children in Stevenage! Millie had a lovely time and was treated to a hot chocolate and biscuits from the mayor. Well done to all Fairlands children who entered the competition, I saw some fantastic entries across the school.

Herts Haven Cafes coming to Stevenage!

By Year 5 Teachers, in Year 5 - Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Herts Haven Cafés for 10-18s is opening in Stevenage.

Safe and Welcoming Spaces for Young People to Embrace their Emotional Wellbeing

Hosted by Hertfordshire Mind Network, these safe and welcoming spaces will offer compassionate face to face emotional wellbeing support and guidance from trained workers, without the need for a professional referral.

Workers at the Cafés will provide empathy and a safe space for young people to learn more about emotional wellbeing, ways in which they can keep themselves emotionally well and various ways in which they can better understand and/or express their emotions. Through open and caring conversations, they aim to create a sense of belonging and connection.

Practical help may include guidance on coping strategies, stress management techniques, and problem-solving skills. The Cafés will also provide a safe space and hardware to access digital support including The Sandbox and Lumi Nova, as well as opportunities to talk through alternative services.

Café is at Bowes Lyon Young People’s Centre, St George's Way, Stevenage SG1 1XY

Tuesdays (from 4 July) 3.30pm-8pm

Wednesdays (from 21 June) 3.30pm-8pm

Café staff encourage under 13s to be accompanied by a trusted adult and young people ages 13 and over can either go along on their own, with a friend and/or a family member. Drop-ins from young people will be accepted until 30 minutes prior to closing time, to allow time for the team to best support them.

STEM Discovery Centre

By Year 5, in Year 5 - Saturday, 17 June 2023

On Wednesday this week, Year 5 attended a trip at the STEM Discovery Centre. We had a really fantastic day: exploring the many exhibits that the centre has to offer; creating our own alka-splat rockets; and learning all about Mars and the amazing Mars Rovers (we even got to see them in real life)! I'm sure we now have many children who are inspired towards a career in STEM in the future.

Tag rugby tournament - boys

By Mr Holgate, in Year 5 - Monday, 12 June 2023

Last Friday, Fairland's Year 5 boys were invited to a Tag Rugby tournament hosted at Giles school. We had an excellent, if not very hot afternoon, and the team played excellently. They showed superb determination and teamwork, and the coaches in charge commented on how much they improved throughout the afternon.

It was fantastic to see their attitudes develop too - realising that it is very important to keep positive and support each other. They even played against some Year 6 teams and held their own too!

Captain Caveman

By Year 5, in Year 5 - Thursday, 8 June 2023

In Year 5, our new topic this term is Captain Caveman. We are learning all about pre-historic times. Today, we explored the different types of homes that people during different historical periods would have lived in. We drew and labelled pictures in groups and talked about the differences in our homes today.

The Brilliant Club

By Year 5, in Year 5 - Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Last week, a selection of children in Year 5 who are taking part in the Brilliant Club had the opportunity to visit Oxford University for the day. We spoke to student ambassadors and found out what university life is like, discovered the huge range of subjects on offer at university and took a tour around Oriel College. We even saw the halls of residence of the famous writer Lewis Carroll and saw the actual tree which inspired part his well-known poem The Jabberwocky. We had a great day and left feeling thoroughly inspired!