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School Blog Year 5

School Blog

Year 5

The blog for Pine, Poplar & Spruce
Mrs Madden, Miss Newman and Mrs Allan

Think Like a Scientist

By Poplar, in Year 5 - Friday, 17 March 2023

We had a fab day today, celebrating all things science. The children investigated finger prints, made science competition posters and demonstrated an array of wonderful experiments that they had brought in from home. Poplar class is full of scientists in the making! 

Police community day.

By Mrs Allan, in Year 5 - Friday, 10 March 2023

Today, year 5 had their last visit by the wonderful PCSO team.  They brought some toys to play with too - very loud toys!  The children got to participate in a bleep test; part of the requirement for becoming a police officer, and even got to sit inside a police car and van.  Some were even "fortunate" enough to be locked in the on-board cells!

They have all been given a certificate for participating in this 6-week long programme.  They have learned all about anti-social behaviour, road safety, racism and homophobia as well as many other community-related topics.

Raging Rivers

By Poplar Class, in Year 5 - Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Our topic this half term is Raging Rivers. This afternoon, we used iPads to research different rivers around the world to increase our knowledge. We found out about each river's source, where its mouth is, the countries on its course and its length.

Year 5 Maths Challenge

By Mr Holgate, in Year 5 - Sunday, 5 March 2023

Last week, each Year 5 class entered a team to the HFL Hertfordshire Year 5 Maths tournament. This is an annual event designed to test even the best mathematicians across schools in Hertfordshire. There were four rounds including a memory round, estimation and some very, very difficult general Maths questions!

All three teams did very well and scored higher than the average, which is a testament to how hard they worked in their teams. I am also delighted to say how Spruce team (Kyan, Ploy, Skye and Lucas) even managed to qualify for the finals, which will occur later in the month. Well done and Good luck!!

Love your heart!

By Mr Holgate, in Year 5 - Sunday, 5 March 2023

Last Monday, Year 5 were lucky enough to have a Nurse come in and teach us all about some VERY important life skills. We learnt about how we could safely help someone who was unconscious or even had stopped breathing. The children were very sensible in learning what to do in various different situations, how to use CPR, put people in the recovery position and also how to use a defibrillatord. It was mentioned in The Comet newspaper at the link : .