Today Year 5 visited Duxford War Museum. We got to see hundreds of military and civilian vehicles on display, plus exhibits on warfare linked to our ‘Conflict’ topic. We had an amazing day taking in all of the facts about how people lived during wartime.
Today, Yaer 5 took part in a Together Against Racism workshop with Stevenage FC. The children learnt what it meant to be an ally and worked collaboratively to find out how they could support one another and make changes to their community. The children really enjoyed their session and felt empowered afterwards.
This week in science the children are looking at filtering different materials. We are discussing which filters work best for different materials and conducting experiments to prove or disprove our predictions.
We have certainly had some interesting results!
Year 5 have had a fantastic day out on our STEM Discovery Centre trip. We took part in lots in exciting activities including designing our own tote bags with exploding paint and learning about the Mars rover.
We also had some time in the exploration room, which had lots of interesting things to look at and use, including an augmented reality sand box and a static electricity ball!
We have finished reading our core text for this term: Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. We have created our own book reviews to explain our thoughts and opinions about the story.
'The book is about a boy who is stranded on an island with company. He fell of a boat in the ocean, left alone to die...'
'I liked the part where the turtles came to Kensuke's kingdom because it felt heart warming that Kensuke helped them when they were born and they came back to where they were born!'
'I love that the book is imaginative and creative. I would recommend it to my Opa because he likes reading'
Year 5 have had a wonderful day out at the University of Hertfordshire. Poplar class took part in a murder simulation and got to crack the case! It was led by former Metropolitan Police Inspector Ash Hornsby and the Law School team. The children learned about each stage of a criminal investigation and exactly what role the police, lawyers and courts play in bringing a murder suspect to justice. We took part in the cross-examination and some of them took on the role of barristers.
Year 5 represented Fairlands wonderfully throughout the trip and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the interactive and amazing things the University had to offer!
Year 5 have been performing Shakespeare today! In small groups the children performed the scene where Macbeth and Banquo meet three witches on the heath. The used intonation and prosody to read and interpret all those very tricky old English words. They did a fantastic job!
Year 5 have had a fantastic wow day today! We all gathered in the hall to find out that we were going to be making bridges, as part of our 'Raging Rivers' topic. We had to use a lot of lollipop sticks in order to build the structure for our bridges. We then sketched out and painted a landscape that included a river to put our bridges on. At lunch time, we gathered materials to put on our landscapes to further enhance the 3D effect. All adults were really impressed with our resilience and determination throughout the day and we all really enjoyed it. We can't wait to take our masterpieces home with us tomorrow!