Reaching high for the best for your child

School Blog Reception

School Blog


The blog for Ash, Beech & Birch
Mrs Kirby, Miss Free and Mrs Moore

STEM Celebration

By Science Team , in Reception - Friday, 9 February 2024

Tuesday 20th February 2024

Come join the STEM Discovery Centre and celebrate Stevenage becoming Europe’s largest life science clusters!

Whilst here, you will have the opportunity to explore all our exciting exhibits and see our “Things that make you go EEUWW!!!” Science show, discover how we use satellites to study Earth and its systems along with the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the latest prototype of the ExoMars rover!



Expert Map Makers

By Beech Class, in Reception - Friday, 9 February 2024



This week Beech Class have been learning how to draw maps in Maths. The class has worked hard to draw different maps and plan an compare routes.

On Monday we learnt how to use maps. On Tuesday we added the different areas to our maps. Some children even labelled the areas! On Wednesday we drew our our birds eye view maps of the classroom. On Thursday we designed our own classrooms! Miss Weston loved our ideas.

The class worked really hard and it was great to hear their different ideas. They have great map skills and would make excellent architects in the future! 

Well done Beech Class!

Miss Weston, Mrs Kandola and Miss Dela

Firefighters !

By Ash Class , in Reception - Saturday, 27 January 2024

On Thursday during independent time, we had a visitor arrive, it was a firefighter. 
He told us that he would be back in 5 minutes, so we did the quickest tidying up ever! 
Three firefighters came into reception and told us about their job, how they help people and what jobs they get called out for. 
They showed us their special uniform and told us how they only have 90 seconds to put it on. 

The firefighters asked if we wanted to see the fire engine. Obviously, our answer was "YES". The firefighters showed us around the engine and told us about everything inside. 

The best thing was... we got to go in the fire engine and have a turn at spraying their fire hose! 

We had an amazing day! 
Thank you to Stevenage Fire Station for giving up their time to help enhance our topic. 


By Ash Class , in Reception - Saturday, 27 January 2024

This week in topic, we thought about our town. We looked at what we have in our town, what we need in a town and why. 

We then worked in teams and designed our own town. We made sure to include places such as schools, hospitals, fire stations, vets and so much more

(We made sure not to forget our favourites; ice cream shops, cinemas and parks)  

Lollipop Lady

By Ash Class, in Reception - Monday, 22 January 2024

Today we had a surprise visitor! Our local school crossing patrol Mrs Poole-Tabener came to visit us in Reception. 

She told us how she helps children cross the road safely before and after school. She told us about her special uniform and how it has to be bright so that drivers can see her. 

She told us the rules for crossing the road and how to cross safely. 

We told Mrs Poole-Tabener that we would look out for her and say hello but also thank you for keeping us safe everyday. 

We can't wait for more visitors 

Little City

By Ash Class, in Reception - Saturday, 13 January 2024

On Friday, Kris and Little City came to visit us at Fairlands. 

It was a great way to kick off our People Who Help Us topic as the hall was transformed into lots of different role-play areas.

We had a chance to be..

A vet, an emgency worker, a barista, a waiter/waitress, a hairdresser/make-up artist, a construction worker, a shop keeper, a doctor, a nurse, a postal worker, a mechanic and so much more! 

We loved dressing up and immersing ourselves into different jobs.

Kris at Little City was very impressed with Ash Class and their wonderful sharing, tidying up and impeccable manners. 

We can't wait for more exciting things coming up in this topic!

Little City

By Beech Class, in Reception - Friday, 12 January 2024

Welcome back Beech Class. :)

This week we started our new topic 'People Who Help Us'. We started our topic by thinking about who helps us at school and at home as well as in the community. We know that nurses, doctors, teachers, parents, chefs and even Ninjas can help us! We then went on a walk around the school to find people who help us. We found the office staff, the cooks and Mr Staples! 

We finished the week with Little City. We could choose from lots of different role play areas. Including a doctors surgery, olive station, dress up zone, car garage, super market and cafe. We loved exploring the areas and playing the roles of people who help us. Miss Weston and Mrs Kandola were super impressed with how we showed the new Fairlands values of respect and including each other. We were very kind and helped to tidy up each area when we had finished and made sure our friends could join in our games.

I wonder if you can find someone that helps you at the weekend. Maybe a shop keeper or a swimming instructor.

This week we learnt the new sounds... ai, ee, igh and oa. We continued to practise our tricky words as this is something we are all finding tricky! Maybe you could practise these at home. In Maths we are learning to classify. Maybe you could classify and sort your teddy bears this weekend. 

Well done Beech Class! Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Weston, Mrs Kandola and Miss Dela

Romania Day

By Beech Class, in Reception - Friday, 1 December 2023

Today is Romania Day!

Nicole, Andreas and Anais have taught us all about their families traditions. We learnt that in Romania, everyone gets the day off school and work. We learnt that people go shopping, have special family meals and spend time with family and friends to celebrate the union of different countries.

Nicole very kindly brought us in some flags to colour. We loved using our blue, yellow and red pens to create the flag. 

We hope everyone celebrating has a wonderful day with family and friends. 

Beech Class.

Making Patterns

By Beech Class, in Reception - Friday, 1 December 2023

This week we have started to learn about repeating patterns. We made them using sponges and paint. Beech class did a fantastic job. We are going to explore patterns more next week. 

Outside, some of the boys in our class built the biggest house ever! They were really proud of their house and worked extremely hard as a team to build it. Well done! 

Jaxson made an incredible water slide! He used different pipes and water to push his car down. The children loved using the water slide. Well done, Jaxson. 

This week we have been super busy practising our Christmas Show. They have to sing, sign and act! We are the shepherds, sheep and narrators! We can't wait to show you our play! 

Well done Beech Class! Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Weston, Mrs Kandola and Miss Dela. 

Croc is Missing!

By Birch class, in Reception - Friday, 24 November 2023

We have had terrible news in Birch class. Our class pet Croc is missing! We have searched high and low, in bushes, cupboards and under tyres but we can't find Croc. We have been busy this week making crocodile toys, brightly coloured flags and missing posters to help Croc find their way back to our class. We learned how to use describing words on our posters to add more detail for the reader. We thought about what Croc looked like when we last saw them and decided, red, green, spikey, long and sharp described Croc the best. If you see Croc, please return them to Birch class!